Ch 3- Train to 1892

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Choi Ryumin

I looked around to see where the voice came from, then suddenly, I was already in a dimly lit room, a figure emerging from the darkness.

"I want to know what happened next," I spoke hesitantly, though not knowing who I'm talking to

When he came into the light, I recognized him from the scenario I had just witnessed not-too-long-ago, he was one of the few military men assisting the prince.

He gazed at me for a few seconds, as if studying the intricate details of my face, then he spoke in a very gentle tone

"You didn't read the author's note, didn't you?" he said, I averted my gaze from him, guilty

"I was in a rush," I made excuses

"Understandable, not all people take importance of what the author has to say in the beginning of their book." He paused,

"But to tell you, what you just witnessed and everything that was written in the book was no fairytale-love story, it was the story of your great-great-grandmother and her one true love, Hamada Ashiro," he revealed

"Which you should've known if you read the author's note, it was written there," he added on a side note,

Everything was too much to understand. I don't even know if this was real or if this was just a vivid dream, revelations were unfolding too quickly.

"I'm dreaming, aren't I?" I asked, baffled

"I'm afraid that I'm as real as you are," he replied

"Then if this is real, you must be who they call 'Yoshi'," I suggested, lost in thought

"General Kanemoto Yoshinori," he said, introducing himself formally

"But I saw you there, you were at the execution with the prince, how come you're still here, looking as young? Shouldn't you be old and all wrinkly or... to be more realistic, dead?" I mused

"Ah," he chuckled then snapped his fingers, the surroundings changed and we were suddenly at my apartment and in my room. I saw myself sleeping in my bed and I almost fainted.

He pulled a chair and gestured me to sit on the unoccupied one opposite him. We sat face to face with a small table in between us.

"Where are we?" I asked even though I already knew because it just seemed so impossible.

"The time is 12:58, you see, during these hours, the border between two worlds is very thin, hence, making it possible for us to sit here and talk while your other self from another timeline is in a deep slumber,"

"But if she wakes up and sees us?"

"She will not wake up unless you go to sleep, you see the pattern there?"

"Now where were we? Ah yes, indeed, I have encountered your great-great-grandmother and have worked for the prince himself, but," he paused and slightly looked down, there was a hint of sorrow on his face

"While they rest in their respective places, it is my curse to remain here, all young and undying," he stated but I didn't respond and just simply nodded, encouraging him to continue

"As I said a while ago, their story wasn't supposed to be that tragic. Yes, they weren't supposed to have a happy ending but no one was supposed to die either, what I did changed things greatly," he said then cleared his throat and straightened himself up,

"How come?" I leaned a little bit forward, earnest

"We are in a timeline where everything is already pre-determined, one's story is already written. But what happened in the 15th of August, 1892 was all a huge mistake, to say it in other words, it wasn't part of the script. This resulted to a new timeline branching out of the original timeline, things went off-track, to put it simple." He explained

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