Ch 5- The Masquerade ball

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Choi Areumin

Since it was a masquerade ball, before boarding down the small vehicle, my sister and I wore our masks, it covered our eyes briefly and matched our outfits nicely.

Hers was glittery pink with diamond studs as a decoration and was tied on the back of her head securely.

My mask, however, was shaped like the wings of a butterfly, though it was just silvery-white, it was designed with studs of diamond and the strings were decorated with beads and had feathers that covered the middle of my forehead entirely.

She met her friends halfway so we decided to part ways, making it easy for me to look for that certain person I'm supposed to be saving.

This was the part of the book where Areumin and Ashiro first met and since I only read it and hadn't seen it, I was totally clueless on what he might look like or what he was wearing, considering that everyone was wearing masks.

I made my way through the crowds and people who held slim glasses with champagne in their hands, all the single ladies seemed to be here since the place looked very crowded with their huge gowns.

Finally, I decided that I'd stop looking for him, we'll eventually meet because that was bound to happen, for now, I'll just enjoy the party and maybe have a few sips of wine.

Standing alone in the crowd, hearing them laugh and flirt with their partners made me dread my whole existence being here, it was like the fact that I was single was being shoved to my face but nevertheless, I just looked around the place.

I studied how this was different from the modern-day parties where the mixed scent of highness and drunkenness was present in a dark room with flashy blinding lights, this was very different.

It looked like a formal event even though it was completely casual and just for the definition of "fun", but still people here have that high level of class and prestige.

But while my attention was drawn to the high ceiling and the concrete pillars, the lights suddenly dimmed- almost pitch black. I don't know if this was supposed to be their gesture of romantic but to be frankly honest it was more creepy than romantic.

Then the music started playing from the musicians that I spotted in the corner a while ago, now only their place had a sufficient amount of light.

Almost everybody around me started moving in sync, dancing and twirling with their partners while I was stuck in the middle, trying to make my way through the moving commotion,

It was already late when I realized that I was standing in the middle of the dancefloor and everyone who was here earlier was asked to dance by their partners and was just waiting for the dance to start.

Soon enough, I was now bumping into a few shoulders and receiving a few appalling remarks which I humbly returned with apologies.

I was nearing the edge of the dancefloor, only with a few pushes then I'll be standing with the people who weren't interested in dancing.

But before I could escape the curse of dancing, I felt a hand swiftly slide into my waist and lightly pushed me back towards the dreadful dancefloor, he then held my other hand, so I thought quick and placed my free hand on his shoulders, and in a blink of an eye we were now waltzing like the others.

Swiftly, we danced our way to the middle. Whoever this man is, he just saved me from humiliation.

I looked intently at his eyes that were so familiar yet I'm so sure that this was the first time I'd seen them. He looked back into mine, making me avert my gaze and look elsewhere.

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