The Attack Starts

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AN (Hello there. I am AJ and I am back with another chapter and I hope you like it. Let's begin the chapter.)

The next day class woke up at 6 AM because aizawa woke them up and called them to a open field and tossed a ball to bakugo and told him to throw the ball. Bakugo had cocky smirk on his face and he got into a position and throwed the ball while shouting and class shook there head at the antics of bakugo and everyone was wondering what score will bakugo get.

Then finally aizawa showed the class the score of bakugo and they were shocked because it was 705 meters and in the quirk apprehension test he got 703 meters. "Now you all should know that you all have not trained your quirk but you have trained in techniques. So in this camp we will train your quirk." everyone nodded but then izuku said jokeful tone "Or Bakugo is lacking behind." and the whole class started to laugh at that and bakugo shouted that he would kill izuku. Then they started to train and izuku thought 'I should train on using my telekinesis and my black whips.' and he got to work.

He started with 500 push-ups, 500 sit-ups, 500 squats, 500 side to side, 500 jumping jacks and 500 pull ups. Everyone was stunned at that and watched izuku in awe and thought' How can do that? 'Izuku then started to made a telekinesis barrier around himself and told bakugo to shoot an explosion at him. If it goes pass the barrier he would try to strengthen the barrier and everyone would think that he is making the wind as the barrier.

As for his black whips he would try hit dummies and not the hostage dummies. Everyone is thinking that he is combining elements and shooting it to hold the enemies. The rest of the day went on training and then they went for bath in the hot springs that was in the camp. Everyone was enjoying there time and there was division in between of boys and girls section and it was huge wall. (Nothing happened as mineta is not there.) Then rest of the days of the week went by and they were still training by. Tiger also challenged izuku and lose after izuku used his OFA and knocked tiger out. Wwpc was very shocked at that and then explained that izuku go toe to toe with all might and he is very strong and Wwpc was more shocked and looked at izuku. Pixie bob also tried to flirt with but aizawa said that he is already taken and they stopped.

The last day when  izuku came for dinner he saw that the boy which name is kota was not there. He got the name from pixie bob when he asked her about the child and he also asked why he hates heros and she explained to him how kota parent's died. Izuku felt bad for Kota as he have to suffer this and he could relate to him. So when he saw that kota was not there so he asked the wwpc (I don't know there names except pixie bob and tiger.) and they said that Kota have secret hideout in the mountain and he usually goes there. So izuku took kota's dinner and went to search for him. He started to fly and search for Kota. After searching for fe minutes he saw kota sitting at the edge of a cliff and had his head down.

Izuku landed beside him and said "You have dinner waiting for you." kota didn't said for few minutes and then he shouted "I HATE ALL YOU HEROS." but he calmed down after a releasing what he have done.

Then izuku came beside him and sat down and asked "Want to tell me why do you hate heros?" Kota then stared at izuku and said "Why would will I tell you? Your opinion would be same as others." izuku said "You know it could put someone at ease when they share there pain." (He is asking for the story though already knowing it because he wants kota to get with comfortable with him.) Kota started to think and after few minute and started to explain how his parents died by a villain.

Izuku stayed silent throughout the story that kota explained and then kota said "People say that I should have pride that they have died a hero's death. I absolutely hate that and that my parents left me alone and died that is why I hate hero's " then izuku patted kota on the back and said "I know it wrong that your parents died and left you alone and that the people shouldn't have told you that they you should be proud that your parents died but you should know it is the job of heros to save others and it is dangerous and some also lose there lives. So I am not saying it should be easy for you but I am saying that you should also do something and make them pr-. " but izuku had to jump away with kota to dodge a punch from the attacker but from this his phone got destroyed so he couldn't call for any backup.

Then the attacker's hood fall off and izuku could see that the attacker had blonde hair like bakugo and there was a scar near his left eye which was not a eye but something else that helped to see. Kota in izuku hands started tremble and points at the attacker and says "You were t-t-the one w-who k-killed my parents." izuku also looks in shock at the attacker and then rage starts to fill him. The attacker looks at kota and then he remembers and shouts "YOU ARE THE BRAT OF THAT DAMN WATER HOSE. LOOK WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO MY EYE." and points at his eyes. "I WILL KILL YOU FOR THAT." and then rushes at him but izuku dodged the punch and says kota to stay back as he have to fight the guy.

"Who do we have here?" then he reconignes who izuku is and he says "You are that brat who is on shigaraki's killing list. Ok for him I will kill you right here, right now." izuku is shocked that he is on a killing list but he shook of that thoughts because now he have to fight this man and he gets into stances.

AN (Another chapter done. I hope you like it. The next chapter there would be fight between muscular and izuku so please wait.)

Till next time fellas. Adios :)

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