Q&A Answers :)

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There were so many great questions from you guys, so here you are! Some answers had to be a bit vauge as it gives plot away! I've put everybody's questions, and duplicated questions are answered once to the first person who submitted the answer.

Elise_Malfoy: How do you manage to find the time to write, even though you obviously have heaps of other stuff?

What I usually do is once my homework is done I come onto here and just spend a couple hours writing/planning out chapters. Sometimes I just end up writing on the weekend as I've got to the point in school where I have scary exams for my future and coursework and exams to do :( But I always try to make time for writing, since it is basically my life.

millecakes_xx: Who is your favourite character in the book?

I love Cole, he's so interesting and honestly, I'd love it if he was a real person. Though I love Sam's character development, she's really grown on me through the past three books.

Sara713: Do you ship Dory or Arty? (this also answers the three other questions I got about this)

I ship both of them, to be honest. I love Draco and Rory's chemistry and honestly it's really exciting to write scenes with them as they just connect. Though I've grown to love Arthur and Rory together, as they're so similar and sweet together. This of course makes it even harder to decide who Rory ends up with, as both of them are so compatible with her.


Aw, glad you love it so much! :) And yes, I will continue it no matter what. As I've said before, if I'm still writing this series in university, I'm not going to care as all of us deserve to see the ending to Rory's story.

Elise_Malfoy: How did you come up with the idea for Obliviate? (This answer also applies to bookworm875's question of how I was inspired to write Obliviate)

I've literally been waiting for this question like forever. The irony is: I don't remember where I got the idea from. All I know is that I wanted to write a fanfiction that had Harry with a twin sister--and of course, it would replace my awful other twin stories I'd try to write. But I knew the idea was unique and so I started it, and now almost three years later here we are :)

every_one_is_a_story: May I please borrow your idea of a slightly nicer Malfoy? No other character, I just fell in love with you potraying him as less of a dick :)

Haha, of course you can. I haven't copyrighted Draco acting nicer, as I've seen other fanfics also make him more complex. But I feel like Draco isn't a one-sided character, he's complicated, flawed and compex which makes him compelling to write.

B00ksAn0nym0us: What keeps you inspired to write Obliviate?

As cliche as this is, you guys are one reason. If it wasn't for the first readers who voted and commented telling me to carry on, this story would have been long deleted. All of your constant support, votes, comments and freaking out when people die or in the famous Dory Yule Ball kiss/confession (I see all 41 comments when Draco confesses, and 38 when Rory does). So thank you all, I can't begin to explain how happy you all make me.

On the non-cliche, soppy version, I'm still inspired by my love for these characters. I can't imagine leaving their story unfinished, and even though their my creations, I'm so attatched to them. (Like how attatched I was to Baymax and Tadashi when I watched Big Hero 6 yesterday--still not over it)

hp_lover_22: How did you create your characters bc they're so perfect??? (ex. Gennie, Arthur, Cole, Alia and everybody else)

Glad you love them all so much :) But I'm not sure exactly. I just know what personalities they have and the type of people they are and I just write as if I'm inside their heads (which I techinically am) and I just try to write them honestly and realistically for you all to enjoy them :)

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