Obliviate my Destiny is up!

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Decided to post this here so everybody could see it! The final book is now up and active on my profile!

By the way, anybody else pissed off with the new works outlet, I hate it so much ugh bring me back to the old layout.

Anyways, here's the blurb...


This is it, the start of the end, the answer to our questions.... The final book in the Obliviate series.

The final battle to end all battles is approaching, and Rory must take part on a whirlwind quest to try and defeat Voldemort for good, no matter what. Filled with horcrux hunts, D.A rebellions, shock returns and romance, this is Rory's most terrifying journey yet.

So join Rory, Gennie, Cole and all the other character we've grown to love and hate for one final journey... Because this is our destiny, and it cannot be changed.

Obliviate My Choices {Book 4}Where stories live. Discover now