22. Something's gotta give

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*Lovely gif on the side lol*

A harsh slamming sound made me jump awake.

Veins alive with nerves I flipped over the coin to see some sort of message, but the only one on there was 'Be prepared to fight back if anything happens'. With a sigh of relief I looked at the clock opposite me--it was almost eleven. Harry had been gone for about two hours.

Thinking I should check to see if he had returned, I pulled on my leather jacket over my jumper and jeans, slipping my shoes on. It was only when I picked up my wand I noticed something on the bed side table.

A letter, adressed to me. Picking up the envelope, I scrutinised the scrawl of my name, looking oddly familar. Realisation hit me like a brick. It was Malfoy's writing.

Ripping open the envelope, I read the opening paragraph.

My Dearest Aurora,

I've made so many mistakes in my life, I've fucked up too many people's emotions. My friends, my family, my enemies--you. My biggest regret is all the times I let you down, when you deserved somebody who completed you. I wish I could use a time-turner to back to those times we'd exchange sly looks and stolen kisses, make everything right. But I can't. 

Time is running out for me to try and fix what I've broken. But it's time I tell you what Sam erased from your memory, the truth about me. You probably won't read this, Rory, but this letter is a compilation of everything I didn't say...

I scanned through the rest of the letter, my eyes filling up with tears. He'd hurt me, broken up with me, for my protection? He'd loved me the whole time, it wasn't an illusion. Everything had been real.

My mind flickered back to the middle of the letter: I have to kill Dumbledore tonight, it's my mission. Please, protect yourself and the people you love. It's all I'll ever ask of you.

"Shit." I muttered, tucking the letter into my pocket. I glanced around the hospital wing, and Madam Pomfrey was occupied in her office. "Colloportus."

Her door was now locked so if and when the death eaters attacked she would be safe. Without looking back, I ran out of the hospital wing. There was an odd feeling in the air as my trainers squeeked on the floor, a weird foreboding sense of things to come.

"He'll be there Ron, or he'll show up--!" I heard Ginny hiss from around the corner.

Relieved I darted around the corner, coming face-to-face with Ginny, Ron and Arthur who was clutching the Maurader's Map. "Where did you get that from?" I demanded. "It's in my dorm!"

"Harry gave it to us before he left." Ginny explained. "What are you doing out?"

"Got excited to see me, huh?" Arthur said dryly, looking more awkward than usual.

"Look, there's going to be an attack tonight, we need to try and stop it, or at least neutralise it." I explained quickly. Ron opened his mouth to question, but I held up a hand to stop him. "Look, I can't explain now, I just know. How many D.A members are patrolling?"

"Uh Hermione, Luna and Gennie are by Snape's office." Ginny counted off on her fingers. "Cole, Sam, Alia and Colin are all looking around the dungeons, and there's some people from my year on the look out."

I counted that up in my head, and nodded. "Right, room of requirement it is."

Ron and Ginny leaded, they explained they were trying to follow Malfoy's movements and catch him by the room of requirement. This was useful considering I needed to speak with him anyway. Arthur and I followed behind, Arthur giving me worried glances every now and then.

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