24. When I fall down

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"Harry, we need to move..." I whispered, my voice raw with the ragged sobs that had been escaping my mouth for the last few minutes.

"No." Harry gasped, his voice weak. Dumbledore's death was ripping him apart, bit by bit. He'd known him longer than I ever did, but Dumbledore's death was a mere pinprick of pain compared to the twisting in my heart from Sam's death.

But then I remembered Harry didn't know Sam was dead yet.

"I've got him." A soft voice said from above us, and I saw Ginny wrap her hand around Harry's, pulling him to his feet. I stumbled to my feet, hands shaking almost violently. Ginny saw, and wrapped her free arm around me, letting me lean on her.

A blur of sobs and screams from students and teachers blended together in a harmony of pain as Ginny sheperded us through the crowds, my eyes trained onto the floor. The point glasses had fallen over, the Gryffindor rubies glistening like blood.

Thinking of Sam's blood that still coated my shoes, hands and jeans I felt sick, the world spinnning. Why did this have to happen? Why? Why now when everything seemed to be falling back into place.

"We're going to the hospital wing." Ginny announced.

"We're not hurt." Harry snapped.

"McGonagall's orders. Almost everybody is up there, Ron, Hermione, Gennie and her dad...."

"Ginny, who else is dead?" Harry said.

Ginny exchanged a look with me. She knew.

"Samantha," I somehow choked out. Using her full name detatched her from Sam, the girl I knew. Knew, Knew, Knew. The past tense sounded so sour in my own thoughts. "Where's Cole?"

Ginny gave me an exhausted look. "He's still with her.... Wanted to be left alone."

"How did it happen?" Harry said abruptly. He was never close with Sam like I was, but he respected and liked her, I knew that.

"Cameron." I spoke the word like a dirty word, something that should be tossed and threw away.

"But we didn't see her... Malfoy said he stood over a body..."

"That was just Bill, don't worry, he's stil alive..." Ginny said, though her voice trembled. "If Arthur hadn't stepped in, it could have been a lot worse..."

"Arthur." I gasped, "Is he okay?"

"He's alive," Ginny said reassuringly, though she sounded uncertain. "Though Greyback got him and Bill... They--Madam Pomfrey said they won't look the same anymore..."

"But everybody else is okay?" I urged, desperate to see Arthur and everybody else, know that the worst was over now.

"Neville and Flitwick are hurt, but Madam Pomfrey said they'll be fine..."

We had reached the hospital wing, and I let go of Ginny's arm to hurry inside. Neville was asleep at one end of the hospital wing, the rest of our friends and family huddled around two seperate beds.

Ron, Hermione, Luna, Remus and Tonks were around one bed; while Gennie sat with Camille, Alia and Ben--surprisingly--around another. I got a glimpse of Bill's face, grotesque, slashed and blood covered as Madam Pomfrey worked on him.

I gave Ron a wobbly smile as he stood by his eldest brother, before rushing over to Arthur's bed. Gennie rose as she saw me, practically strangling me in a hug, a sob escaping her.

"Cole?" I questioned.

"He's doing bad, really bad." Gennie whimpered. "He wouldn't let her go, he's in a trance, wouldn't listen to me... He wanted me to come here, but I shouldn't have left him.... Oh God, Rory, I think this is going to tip him over the edge, I'm so bloody scared."

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