2- Training Days

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15 Days Later (Tuesday, August 18th):

Amelia and Misty's Room (Angel Dorm) - Amelia P.O.V.

I've been at Delphora for a few weeks now and things have been going fine with my classes so far. Misty and I have been roommates since I got here and it's been great sharing a room. With her out, I finished my classes for today letting me try to get some homework done for my Magic Defense Class I have the next day. Right now, I'm reading my textbook "Defense Magic for Beginners" going over a section I went over in class the last time we met and to tell you the truth, I'm getting nowhere - fast. "I'm never going to get this!" I slam my book shut before throwing it across the room landing on my bed. I always got frustrated back home when I learned something new so I do what I do best: turn my radio up and blast music through the room to help me think straight. One of my favorite songs, "Rockstar" by Nickelback, plays as I go back to my textbook. "That's better," I look over this levitation spell picking up my wand. "Here goes nothing - Levitate!" I feel myself lift off the floor and over my bed. "Got it." I ease myself back to the floor.

I turn the page in my book when clapping gets my attention. Turning to the door, Misty walks in with that smirk I've grown to like. I turn down my radio just as Hedley's "Kiss You Inside Out" comes on. "You finally mastered it." She joins on the bed. "It took me a bit longer to figure it out."

I set my wand down as I sit next to my roommate. "Yeah, it's not that big a deal but it's a first step."

"You'll come around." Misty suddenly locks onto my bracelet. "Your bracelet's glowing like mine is."

Now that I think about it, our bracelets have been glowing whenever we've been around each other since we first met on the subway. "I wonder what it means?"

"I couldn't tell you. It's new to me."

"Whatever, I need a break," I lie back on the bed taking a deep breath.

Misty turns to me. "How about we get off campus for a bit and get something to eat?"

I jump up hearing her say that. "Wait, we can leave campus?"

"Sure, we can. Campus curfew isn't until 9:30 p.m. and I want to show you the town that we're in. Sure, Arvellis isn't Dublin or the city I come from, but there's plenty to see. We just need to take our wands and weapons with us; it's a rule."

The thought of getting out of here for a while is just what I need to get my mind off things; also, I want to check out Arvellis for myself. I pull my cell phone from my pocket. "That sounds like fun. Let me see if Jess and Zane are up for joining us." I send a quick text to Jessica seeing if she and Zane want to head into town with us. Seeing her response, I grab my purse, wand, and my bow. "She'll meet us at the gate."

"Then let's go," Misty grabs her whip and leads me out of the dorm toward the front gates. We get our bracelets scanned which tells the main office who's on and off campus, we see Jess and Zane running up to us getting their bracelets scanned so they can leave campus. "It's about time you got here. We were about to leave."

We start walking in the direction of downtown. "Relax, we were in the middle of a very boring game when A sent me that text. We have to thank you for getting us out of a boring evening."

"No problem," I wave back as we cross a street. I look around at the buildings and people going about their evening. "This city is amazing," I mutter under my breath but loud enough for my friends to hear me. "I can't wait to see more."

"It's a cool city," Misty whispers back as we pass a group wearing gauntlets on their right wrists. "They are from Solarium Academy on the other end of town."

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