9 - Royal Awakening

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2 Days Later (Monday, November 2nd):

Delphora Academy Academic Building - Amelia P.O.V.

Thanks to all the time Misty and I missed with that unexpected trip to the past, we have a lot to catch up on in all our respective classes. I'm used to catching up on work since at my old school I was always getting into trouble for those pranks with my friends. We walk to our respective classes getting three weeks' worth of work that we missed; we'll be busy this week catching up. We walk in the direction of our Animal Studies class a bit earlier than we have because we have to get the assignments we missed over the last three weeks and see what we're doing today. As we walk to the stairs, we see people stepping aside allowing us to pass unimpeded. "Why is everyone looking at us differently?" I ask Misty as we start up the stairs leading to the next floor.

"You're kidding, right?" Richie catches up to us. "Everyone around here is scared of you, A," he puts his arm around me, "and they're saying some crazy stuff."

"What else is new? I'm used to rumors about me so whatever." We continue climbing the stairs when we see two boys bullying a third. If there's one thing I won't stand for, it's bullies. "Hey," I shout up to these two boys pushing a third one around, "stop it!" I run to the boy on the ground helping him up. "What are you doing?"

One of these older kids puts his hands up in self-defense. "Well, excuse us," this one guy I recognize from the school's lacrosse team as Reginald Wilson, or Reggie to the team. He's the biggest jackass on campus according to some of the second years who have come across him. "This doesn't concern you, girl, so get lost."

I know he just didn't talk to me like that. I walk up only to be stopped by another kid, fourth-year Marcus Arthur, who's also on the lacrosse team. "You have no idea who you're messing with, girlie."

I push my way past Marcus. "Neither do you," I walk by but he grabs me. The next thing I know, I have Marcus in a shoulder lock. "Don't touch me," I remind him. "I can easily snap your arm like a twig so don't push me."

"Ok, ok," Marcus weasels out of my grip rubbing his left arm. "Who are you anyway?"

"Yeah," Reggie stomps over to us holding the other boy by his shirt collar. "Nobody messes with the stars of the school."

"Oh, please," Richie starts laughing like a crazy person. "You two jackasses have no idea who's making you look bad right now."

Reggie takes one look at my face and I swear he went pale. "Oh shit," he steps back and actually bows to me. "Pardon us, Amelia, we didn't mean any harm."

I have no idea why Reggie is bowing to me but at least he's stopped doing what he and Marcus were doing. "Um . . ."

"Yeah, sorry," Marcus bows too grabbing his books. "We had no idea the flying archery team's star was in front of us. We respect winners."

"Sorry," was Reggie's last words as he and Marcus sped up the stairs like something chased after them to the sound of laughter from those watching us.

Shrugging my shoulders, Misty and I help this kid, first-year Arnold Bartone, back to his feet shaking off the dirt from his cool, black jacket. "Are you okay?"

Arnold grabs his backpack and straightens himself up. "I'll be fine, Amelia. You didn't have to do that."

"I think I had to. We first-years have to stick up for each other, Arnold. Where is your next class?"

I watch Arnold point to the stairs showing his bracelet, he's in the Hydra Dorm, as it glows the same blue color that others in my circle are. "I'm right up here in Magic History."

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