8 - The Forgotten Queen

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The Medieval Era (October 10, 1223):

Palace of Velarus Courtyard - Misty P.O.V.

Amelia and I land feet-first as the blue lights around us disappears. I see the palace in all its glory but something's different: the place looks more rustic than I remember but then it hits me: we're in the past to see how this Queen's life was ended. "I guess we're out of that vortex," Amelia looks around at our surroundings that feel unfamiliar to us. "I think we're in Dublin but the past."

"That makes sense," I walk with my hand still in Amelia's as we check out the grounds, "but why are we here?"

"It's more like when and I think we're in the year 1223 since that's when Alison's rule ended." Footsteps get our attention. "Uh-oh, we have company."

Castle guards suddenly surround us with their weapons pointed right at us. The guard to our right gets in our faces and I hate that. "You two aren't from around here so explain yourselves!"

I put my hands up trying to diffuse this situation. "Look, we're sightseers who got lost exploring the grounds. If you'll point us in the right direction . . ."

"Liars!" a second guard steps to us with his gun drawn at us. "You're here to threaten the queen and now you're under arrest!" The rest of the guards step closer to us and now we're freaking out.

"Back off!" Amelia cries out; I hold her hand to keep her calm.

Sarah Verne P.O.V.

I love how the sun brightens my turquoise dress. I step out on the pavilion to take in the cool breeze when noises get my attention. I turn to the courtyard seeing two small girls surrounded by guards. Now I'm outraged at this sight. "Enough!" my voice booms through the courtyard stopping the guards. I walk over to this scene locking eyes with the girl with hair and eyes just like mine. This young girl reminds me a lot of myself because her whip is exactly like mine. I turn to the guards bowing to my presence. "I know you're not threatening children!"

The guard closest to me lifts his head up. "Pardon us, madam," he speaks to me backing down. "With spies getting into the castle on a daily basis, we're anxious when someone enters the palace grounds without Her Majesty's permission."

"Yet you have your guns pointed at a couple of harmless children," I glance behind them seeing they are armed but they look lost and scared. "Do you really think they pose a threat to the queen?"

"No ma'am but they do have weapons."

"Stop! Everyone is armed with something in this county but that doesn't excuse your actions. Let them go. These children are my and Her Majesty's personal guests in the time they are on these grounds."

"As you wish," the second of these guards leads the group away from these young girls.

The girl with the brown hair walks to me with her friend in her hand; she looks a lot like me. "Thanks for getting rid of them. We don't know where they came from."

Looking them over, I see what look like wands marking them as witches and the bright-haired girl's deep blue eyes look exactly like Alison's and her clothes bear Alison's heart crest. "You'll have to excuse them, children," I bow to them in apology; I don't know why I did that. "We've had a problem with intruders of late so they're a bit jumpy. I'm Madam Sarah Verne - the mistress of this palace. Whom might you be? You're not from around here."

"You could say that," the bright hired girl rubs the back of her neck. "We were actually transported here after reading a scroll. I'm Amelia and this is my friend Misty."

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