14 - Crown of Angels

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Subway to Desura - Amelia P.O.V.

I'm still talking to Mandy reliving everything I've gone through since finding out I'm going to be the next Queen of this country one day in the future. "There's no way I can believe this," Mandy snaps after I tell my story to her, "you are the next Queen and you spent time in the past? That's impossible."

I start laughing along with my friends seeing Mandy's reaction. "That's our look alright," Meghan admits to her housemate. "We all got that look once we learned about this and what we saw at the palace during the holidays."

"As I started to tell you before we left school, you should've been around me from the start to get the whole story."

"I see," Mandy sits back watching the scenery pass us by, "but I hope this Desura job will enlighten me as to what's going on with my own eyes."

"Besides, I wouldn't be able to handle any of this without my friends. We truly are family in that sense."

Jess puts her arm around me joining the laughing fit we have going on. "And don't you forget it," she constantly reminds me of what we have as best friends. "I like the idea of us being family even though we're not related."

"We don't have to be related to be family," I remind Jess of what she just said which is true to some extent. "We're connected thanks to this new life I ended up in," I dare not mention about me being the next Queen-in-training to the entire subway car we're sitting in right now because people are listening to us; not to mention, I'm still getting asked questions about what happened during the holidays when the throne I sat in reacted to my presence.

"Next stop, Desura," this deep voice booms over the intercom. My friends and I grab our stuff as the train starts slowing down. The doors open revealing this rundown station that has seen better days but there is scaffolding everywhere so I guess they're doing some construction around here.

Walking off the train, I look for any sign of my mom after that long train ride. I catch site of the dress suit my mom is always in these days; I swear, my mom needs to learn to not wear those suits whenever she's out. "Mom," I call out to her with a wave getting her attention. I run over hugging her tight; I haven't seen her since the holidays. "I've missed you." I feel someone trying to hug me from behind. "You too, Dad."

My dad rubs my head as both my parents let me go. I turn to him smiling like he used to do. "Look at you, you're growing up fast," he states the obvious but he's right; this year has been long and eye-opening.

"Duh, Dad," I roll my eyes at his comment.

"It's nice to see you again Mr. and Mrs. Banks," Jess' voice echoes through our group.

"You too, Jessica," my mom smiles back at her and our friends who came with us. "I see you brought friends - a job?"

I totally forgot that we're here for a job. "Yeah," I turn to my group, "we're here to help a group from Izula with some job at the museum in town. Also, I'm interested in the exhibit that shows stuff from the Temperance of Ideran."

"That makes two of us," Emily snaps back folding her arms in disgust.

"I know, girl. Why don't you and Jess go with Elisha to find her brother and his friends so we can learn why they want us helping them to begin with."

Elisha lets out this breath I didn't know she was holding since we arrived. "Sure," she picks up her bow strapping it to her lower back, "my brother texted before we arrived saying he's at the police station waiting on us so we can talk to the chief of police."

"Sure. We'll see you later." Elisha walks off with Jess and Emily after we all walk outside.

I turn back to my mom watching my friends walk around a corner. "What's the plan, Mom?" I question her curious to what she wants to show me about our family's history.

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