Mae's POV
"What?" I asked dumbfounded."Why do you seem so surprised you came for the job you got it!" He exclaimed
"I mean....yeah your.....right Thank you so much" I smiled.
"My pleasure, now all I need is your number and address" He said giving me his phone and a piece of paper.
After writing down my address and putting my phone number in Calum Freaking Hood's phone I started on my journey back home.
Stepping on the bus I still couldn't believe that I'll be working for a famous person. Oh my God I might be able to meet One Direction. Then it dawned on me he'll be on tour the whole time I won't get to spend time with him the whole time while their traveling the globe I'll be alone at his flat takiing care of fish...splendid.
I step into my house slipping off my shoes and throwing myself onto the couch.
"Mae darling how'd it go?" My mother chirped walking into the living room.
"Fine, I got the job" I half smiled.
My mom screamed jumping up and down "Mae that's wonderful news!!!"
"Yeah I guess"
"Excuse me? You guess you scream when you see those poor boys on TV then you finally get to work for one of them and you say 'Yeah I guess' " She sasses.
"Well at first I was siked but thinking about it I'm not really going to spend time with them" I whined.
"Coming" My mom ran to the front door opening it.
"Hello m'am is Mae here?" I heard an all to familiar Australian accent speak.
"Oh my your Calum Hood! Mae darling Calum is here" my mom exclaimed like she was also a 5 Seconds of Summer fan.
I rushed to the door stepping to my mother's side.

The Gold Fish Sitter ||C.H.
Fanfiction"But their just gold fish" I state "But you see darling their so much more then that" he responds