Two lifetimes~ Atsuhina 💧&💞

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Requested by Nemuidesu-Sloth

Very trashy

Atsumu placed down the flowers at his twin brother's grave and rubbed his eyes for what seemed like the 100th time that day. He hadn't slept ever since his brother's funeral, which was a few days ago. Due to the lack of sleep, he was starting to hallucinate, causing him to see his brother even though he wasn't there. He wanted to believe it was true, but every time he tried to talk or touch him, he'd fade away. He felt as if a piece of him was missing, even though they didn't get along, he still loved deeply and he felt lost without him.

He dusted off his knees and said goodbye to his brother, planning on visiting him again tomorrow. He felt as if he had to be there. He feels like it's his fault that he died, even though it wasn't. Even if he did believe it wasn't, his parents would tell him otherwise. The crazy thing is that he doesn't even know how his brother died, his parents just said he did and that it was his fault. He didn't think it was at first, but then slowly started believing their words; insomnia playing into it as well. 

"Bye Osamu, see you tomorrow!" Atsumu tried to muster up as much excitement in his voice as he said goodbye to him. He dragged his feet back home to hopefully try and catch some rest for once. He was sleeping in Osamu's room for a while, wanting to recall the good times they spent together.  

"Fuck, why'd you have to go and leave me Osamu" Atsumu wanted to cry but there were no tears left to run. He turned over and buried his face in the pillow, sobbing softly.

2 months later

Atsumu woke in a dark place. He remembers falling asleep in his own bed but never waking up again, aside from now. The only thing he could see is his own body laid flat on the ground. He felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned around. 

"Who are you?"

"I'm in a way death's assistant. But you can call me Hinata. I'm here to lead to the gates of heaven"

"H-Heaven? But I killed my brother?"

"You didn't kill him. You'll learn the truth eventually" Hinata gestured to Atsumu to follow him, and he did. The two made a little bit of small talk, but then they eventually were at the gateway of Heaven.

"I'll drop by here and there to just check up on things and to talk with others so you'll still see me around" Atsumu nodded, extremely thrilled to see his brother again. Hinata opened the gates and let him in, gliding off into the darkness. Atsumu walked inside, meeting his brother's gaze back.


"Osamu" Atsumu jumped on his brother and held him close. Osamu chuckled and hugged him back.

"I missed you!" 

"I'm surprised you did"

"Shut up. How was it like staying here?"

"It's nice and peaceful. Also, keep this between me and you but some of the angels here have big asse-" Osamu stopped when he saw the disapproving glare from Kami. He smiled sheepishly and continued catching up with his brother.

"Did you meet death's assistant?"

"I did, for someone who's literally working with death, he's super nice and chatty"

"Oooh~ You like him"

"No, shut up! I just met him"

"Whatever you say Tsumu" Osamu and Atsumu continued talking to each other, trying to find a nice big cloud for them to sit on. 

10 Decades Later (Atsumu, Osamu, and Hinata are a lot better friends now.)

"Did you hear? Apparently, we're all gonna be reincarnated"

"I don't believe it! I think it's just some stupid rumour" Atsumu was walking his way back to his brother, eavesdropping on people's conversation. He was a bit shocked to find that out, after all, he'd gotten used to the lavish life he was living in heaven. He decided to make a slight detour and go talk to Kami.

"Kami, is it true that we're going to go back to earth"

"Yes my love child, Humans have stopped reproducing recently and there isn't much life left on earth, therefore a selective bunch are going back. You and Osamu will be one of the many others returning. I hope this doesn't bother you too much"

"Not at all Kami, thank you for informing me properly" Atsumu bowed and went to go tell his brother the news.

"Samu! Did you hear?"

"Yeah, I did. Do you know who's on the list?"

"I'm not sure who entirely is but I do know that both you and I are" 

"What about Shoyo?" Atsumu froze. He completely forgot about Hinata going back.

"I-I don't know" Atsumu frowned, he didn't want to separate from Hinata. 

"Atsumu, I think this should be your chance to confess to him"

"How many times do I have to tell you, I don't like him!"

"Yeah Yeah, you've been saying that for the last ten decades. It's so obvious you do! I think you should because you never know if you'll see him again"

"But I don't wanna get too attached"

"Dude stop being a pussy and go confess already!" Atsumu rolled his eyes and went to go find Hinata through Heaven, Osamu cheering him on from behind. He saw a boy in the corner and he approached him.

"Shou-Chan?" The boy looked up.

"Oh, Hi Atsumu-Kun, do you need something?" 

"Yeah, uh, I, uh, wanted to tell you something?" 

"Which is?"

"U-Um, I like you? L-Like more than a friend?" Atsumu glanced over at Hinata and saw that he was tomato red. 

"Why would you tell me that now?"

Atsumu raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"We're all being rebirthed and we'll be split up. Yes we're going back but I don't even know if I'll find you again"

"I'll find you again, don't worry. You trust me right?" Hinata nodded.

"Then trust me to let me find you again" Hinata smiled and nodded, setting all is trust on Atsumu. 

It's been a while since then, and Atsumu and Osamu are still for Hinata. Atsumu refuses to stop his search, so he decided to take a walk in the park with his brother to clear his mind and maybe find Hinata.

"Shoyo! Wait for me" Atsumu looked over and saw two orange-headed siblings chasing after one another. Atsumu felt happy tears well up in his eyes

"I found you"

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