12 - almost kiss #2

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Swaying my hips to the music, a Drake song is playing through the speakers and I'm trying to let loose, at this point of the night I'm undeniably tipsy, result of all the tequila shots I've been having

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Swaying my hips to the music, a Drake song is playing through the speakers and I'm trying to let loose, at this point of the night I'm undeniably tipsy, result of all the tequila shots I've been having.

We've managed to make a small circle in the dance floor, consisting of Kacie and James who showed to the party, Gen and one of the girls we met after the game, Tamara.

Daiz had just gone with Ethan a couple of songs ago and Alyssa was nowhere to be seen She's probably with Dom I think to myself, those two definitely have something going on.

Before I can think about my friends any longer I see a flash of blonde hair and feel someone staring at me.

Turning around just to see Bella, shooting daggers at me with her eyes, and my mind can't stop from drifting back to half an hour ago when I saw her touching Kalen's arm and flirting with him.

The reason why that bothers me is beyond me, and I blame it on the alcohol.

Because there is no way it means anything else, Kalen can flirt with whoever he wants and I don't care, I shouldn't care, so why can't I stop thinking about it?

"I need another drink" I mutter to my friends before making my way out of the crowd in the living room where the dance floor is situated, making my way in between sweaty bodies and people making out.

Finally making it to the kitchen, grabbing a red cup and pouring Tequila in it, I consider that maybe another drink isn't the brightest decision, but I pour it down my throat nevertheless, cringing at the after taste of the drink.

Before can take the Tequila bottle and pour more content into the cup, someone wins me to it and simultaneously takes my red cup, I look up just to see none other than Kalen and before I can protest he just mutters "No more" in a strict voice.

And I'm about to protest but the stern look on his face makes me close my mouth.

But before I can think myself out of it my eyes drop to his lips, and it feels like there's nothing else in the world except him and me.

Suddenly I can't hear the loud music, or the people playing beer pong cheering, or the fight that ensured outside, it's just him.

I break out if my trance and all the mixed sounds but my ears.

Hope he didn't notice the way I was looking at him and I can't be sure because it become impossible to read his expression.

"I need some fresh air" I mutter before basically sprinting out of the room and going to the backyard which is mostly empty.

The music is still loud as hell but at least now I can hear my thoughts, the backyard is relatively small, with some plants but if I'm being honest, it needs renovation.

The lights are not on and the only source of lighting is what's coming from inside.

I start taking deep breaths thankful for the fresh air that hits my face after being in a house full of sweaty people.

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