'hi ladies'

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It was the first day of senior year

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It was the first day of senior year. You and Steve, your long-time school crush, had the same lunch, but sat on opposite sides of the room. You with your friends, and him with his. You had taken the seat with the best view of his table and you couldn't help but stare across the lunchroom. A friend of yours had noticed and asked what you were staring so intently at, but you just said it was nothing, though they knew exactly who it was you were looking at.

"You still like him?" Your friend asked, looking back and forth from him to you. Steve was slouched over the table, eating a sandwich and laughing with his friends. "God, he talks with food in his mouth, how on Earth could you still like that?" You only shrugged. The little things like that didn't bother you.

Ever since middle school, you and Steve had been friends, not close friends but you hung out a few times with other people, and you knew so much about him already. Even your parents thought that Steve and you would make a great couple, plus your dad actually liked him.

"Y/n!" another one of your friends, who sat next to you, called. "He's totally staring at you right now!" You lifted your head in his direction and made eye contact unintentionally. Immediately, your cheeks flushed and a dumb smile spread across your lips. He smiled and looked back to his friends. You looked down and wiped the smirk off your face. "Oh, come on, why don't you go and talk to him?!"

"I couldn't," you laughed.

"Well do you have any classes together?"

"None so far."

"Then go ask for his schedule!" Your friends were very compelling, coming up with any and every reason to go talk to Steve. One even offered to go talk to him for you but you told her not to.

"Okay," you fixed your hair and sat up straight, still debating whether you'd go or not. "I'll just wait until the end of the day-"

"No! That's too late, do it now."

"You didn't let me finish," your eyes fixed on Steve again, "...and if we have any classes together, then i'll talk to him there."

Your friends groaned, "Big 'if'. What if you don't have any classes?"

"Then oh well," you shoved a spoonful of the school lunch in your mouth.

"Oh my god."

"What?" You wiped your mouth with a napkin and turned to your friend who was talking.

"He's coming over here to talk to you!" She said.

"It's like he can read our minds."

"Maybe he's just going to the bathroom," you suggested. Just then, Steve showed up at your table, directly across from you, staring you down.

"Hi ladies," he said looking left and right, "Y/n." He nodded in your direction.

"Hey," you glanced up at him. Your friend kicked you under the table and you started at her confused. Her eyes darted from Steve to you and she raised her eyebrows. You got what she wanted you to do. "Steve, what's your schedule?"

He pulled a crumbled paper out of his pocket, unfolded it, and read: "Math in 303, English in 212, Spanish in 401, American Government in 110, lunch, PE, and chemistry in 418."

"Y/n has chemistry 6th too!" your friend added. You kicked her under the table, smiled and nodded at Steve.

"Great, I'on know anyone else who has that class. I was just gonna skip but maybe i'll go." He looked in your eyes and the bell interrupted your conversation. "I'll see you then," he said, going back to his friends.

"See ya," you called back. Walking with your friends to find your next class, the two would not stop nagging about how he said he'd go to class after finding out you were there too.

The next class went by quick: English, which you were particularly good at; and you were on to your next class. Chemistry with Steve. It'll be interesting, you thought, maybe, hopefully he'll talk to you, maybe even sit next to you and be your lab partner.

You stopped fantasizing and took a seat in the back of the class. Steve wasn't there yet, so you found an open table to sit at. Then he walked through the door and took a look around. He said hi to his friend and you figured he'd go with him, but instead he made his way over to you. "Is this seat taken?"

"No," you said, nervously folding your hands in your lap. He sat down next to you.

"I heard this teacher's a bitch," he leaned over and whispered.

"Really? I haven't heard anything." The teacher began introducing herself and the two of you sat back to listen, more realistically, pretend to listen.

You didn't get another chance to talk to him during the class, though he said goodbye to you when the bell rang.

word count: 847

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now