Chapter 7

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"Okay, now that you've gotten through your history books, have properly settled into your own home, it's time that you finally start taking charge of your country." UN said, walking down the hallways, Rica at his side.

"So...what kind of work should I be expecting? Do I have certain hours I have to work?" Rica asked, he had many questions running through his mind.

"Lots of paperwork, doesn't matter how long it takes you as long as it is done." UN answered before swiftly stopping in front of a small office. Rica looked at the oak door, towards the upper-center was a small plaque that said 'United States of America'.

I guess that's me. He thought to himself.

"This is your office, unfortunately we haven't had time to clean it up much since the last America worked here. Though some cleaning supplies has been left in the corner for you. The paperwork on the desk is for you." UN explained, pulling out a key and opening the door. Rica frowned slightly as he looked into the room. It was dark and dingy.

"Here's the key, keep it safe and don't lose it." UN said, dropping the key into Rica's hand.

"Now, I have some meetings to attend, if I were you I'd get to work." He said before swiftly turning and walking down the hallway, away from Rica.

The American sighed and stepped into the office. He turned on the light and closed the door behind him. It wasn't nearly as elegant as the main lobby of the building. It looked more like Micheal from The Office's office, though much smaller. He looked around, the place was rather messy. Rica was almost impressed how much random crap Ame had been able to fit in the small room.

He coughed, walking over to the desk and cringing at the layer of dust that had coated the whole room, besides some of the fresher papers on the center of the desk. Rica could feel his stomach sink as he looked at the stack.

How does he expect me to do all that! That stack is like a foot and a half tall! He gulped.

"Well, should probably clean this place up before anything else...I don't want to work in a dust ridden office." He mumbled to himself. He took a deep breath and grabbed the duster from the corner of the room and got to ridding the place of dust.

— — —

Rica huffed as he looked around the place. He had spent the whole morning dusting and cleaning. And now he planned on organizing everything. He frowned as he looked around, not knowing where to start.

"Maybe the closet? Yeah...let's just start there." He thought aloud, walking over to the small closet on the side of the room. He opened the closet doors ans looked inside. For the most part it was filled with boxes, there was a black suit and a dark brown Jacket hanging in there too.

Rica rose a brow as he looked at the articles of clothing, they looked like they'd fit him perfectly, though he decided against putting them on.

For the most part the boxes were filled with old paperwork that wasn't worth keeping.

On the other side of the room was a bunch of filing cabinets, each filled with papers on different countries. Records of previous interactions and alliances. It was a lot to keep up with, that's for sure.

Rica noticed that within the desk, seemed to be a lot of personal items. Family pictures, private letters, etc.

He furrowed his brows as he came to one Manila envelope. It was the only thing so far that hadn't been labeled with anything. He started to open it but was cut off by a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Rica called, setting the envelope on the desk and walked towards the door. The oak door opened and Russia peered in.

"Hey, Rica was about to- woah-" He paused, looking around the room.

"You really spruced this place up a bit didn't you?" Rus said, smiling as he took a step in and looked around.

"Heh, yeah, spend the whole day organizing it." Rica said proudly. Russia smiled.

"Nice, c'mon, let's go so we can have some dinner." Rus said, motioning for him to follow. Rica smiled and nodded, turning the light off and closing the office door behind him. The two walked through the building, into the spacious lobby, and out into the parking lot. Rus reached into his pocket for his car keys, his neutral expression faded as he searched around in his pockets.

"Something wrong?" Rica asked, raising a brow. Russia groaned.

"Forgot my car keys in my office, I'll be back in a few." He said, making his way back to the UN building.

Russia walked down the hallway, back towards the main lobby. He gritted his teeth as he saw China, carrying a Manila folder. Of course, Russia too was carrying a few labeled folders, just things he wanted to take home so he could have an open weekend. The two's shoulders hit each other, as neither bothered to move out of the other's way. Russia turned his head slightly, glaring at China. Then Russia's attention went to Rica's office, which China was walking away from.

The tall Slavic man paused. He took a step towards the room, checking something.

It had been left unlocked.

— — — — —

Apologies for the lack of updates, depressive episodes are really getting to me.

Stay Safe & Have a lovely day because you deserve it 

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