Chapter 2

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Russia got into the driver's seat of his car and Mexico got into the passenger's seat. Since America's death, the two had become closer. They'd go out to the local bar, chat, drink, talk about Ame, other things like that.they made good drinking buddies.

"Hey Russia?" Mex asked, looking to the taller country.


"Is it okay if I stay at your house tonight? Been having nightmares recently and just...really don't want to be alone." He said, fidgeting with the string on his sweatpants. Russia smiled.

"Yeah, sure. You okay?" He asked. Before America died, Russ wasn't nearly as welcoming to Mex, though the two were becoming good friends. Both missed America dearly, and both were lonely as hell. It was like they got along because they were missing what they couldn't have.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine I guess...just...I can't stop thinking about him. About what he looked like when Canada found him...all the blood. God there was so much blood."

"Too much." Russia said, cutting the other off. "Too much about the blood." Mex nodded.

"Sorry. I just...I'm scared that...I'm scared that I'm next. I'm sorry, that probably sounds selfish-"

"It's not selfish to fear something Mexico. We should all be scared really. The one who killed America, known as one of the most powerful countries in the world, is still roaming around. They haven't been caught yet, and there's little to no evidence on who it is." Russia said. His deep voice was comforting, it was no wonder that America used to go to Russia when he needed to vent or rant. The man was good at comforting people, despite his cold demeanor.

"Thank you Russia," Mexico said, smiling and wiping a few tears from his eyes.


A silence fell in the car as they drove, listening to nothing but the hum of the car as it drove down the wet streets. It had rained during the day, and everything was still quite damp. The roads weren't too slick, but slick enough to put slightly more caution into driving.

"What the hell!?" Russia yelled, swerving the car out of the way. He slammed on the breaks.

"Russia what the fuck!?" Mexico yelled. Russia hopped out of the car and ran over to the figure in the road. Mexico gasped and ran after him. Sure enough, right in the middle of the road, was a country. They seemed to be passed out.

Russia picked them up and looked slightly surprised.

"It''s his copy...." He said. Mex walked over, looking at the unconscious country in Russia's arms.

"Well would you look at that....I'll call UN, you can get him into the car." He said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. Russia nodded and walked to the car, laying the new America down in the backseat. Russia got back into the drivers seat and waited for Mexico to finish the call with UN, notifying him that Ame's copy has appeared.

Mex finished up the call and got into the car. He buckled his seatbelt and Russia started to drive back to his house again. Mexico smiled as he looked at the new America. Though, his smile quickly turned into a frown.

"I know you know this, but Mex it's not him." Russia said, a twinge of pain in his voice. Mexico sighed and went back to sitting normally.

"I know I know..."

"He's not the America you love. Just because he looks the same, minus the scars, doesn't mean he'll love you like Ame did. He's not the same person." Russia said, almost saying it to himself too.

"I know, I just....I miss him." He said, rubbing a few tears away. Russia sighed.

"We all miss him Mex, we all do."

— — —

"Uuugghhh," America lifted his head, groaned as he had a splitting headache. He rubbed his head.

"Russia, he's awake." Someone said. America looked around, still dazed. Everything was blurry, everything hurt, and there was only one thing that was on his mind.

"America?" A different voice said. He looked over to the two new figures.

"W-wha?" America looked at the two. Something about the word 'America' was familiar.

"Drink this, it'll make you feel better." The taller one said, handing him a mug full of tea. He nodded and reluctantly drank it. It was actually quite nice for tea.

"Lay down, get some rest. Everything will be explained tomorrow." The shorter of the two said, lightly pushing him onto his back. America blinked a few times before falling asleep. He didn't know what was going on. What just happened? Who were these people? What's tomorrow?

So many questions raced through his mind, though above all there was one phrase that wouldn't leave him alone.

Golden ring.

— — — — —

I'm so sorry for not updating this book in over a month! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, it's a bit short, but oh well.

I'll most likely have another chapter of Far From Home uploaded sometime tonight, so be sure to go read that.

Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day, and even if you're single that's okay too! Maybe you could celebrate with your friends! No one said that Valentine's Day couldn't be about platonic love too.

Stay Safe & Have a lovely day because you deserve it ^^

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