Chapter 5

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It was kinda awkward. Rica was currently sitting in the back seat of France and UK's car, in between New Zealand and Australia, neither of which looked pleased. He shifted a bit in his seat, no one was talking, no one knew what to say. Rica caught New Zealand glaring at him a few times, but he was too nervous to glare back.

"We're here." UK said, pulling the car into the garage of the home. Rica felt a wave of relief rush over him. Once the car was marked in the garage everyone got out and Rica was shown the inside.

"Australia, Kiwi, Canada? Could you show Rica around please?" France said, looking at the three. They nodded and motioned for Rica to follow, so he did.

"This is the kitchen, if you want a snack there's a snack drawer. Also, if Mom-" Australia stopped himself and cleared his throat. "If France and Britain are cooking in here together I suggest staying away or else they'll run you over." He said, seeming very board.

"They only 'ran over you' because you were asleep on the floor and they didn't see you." Kiwi mumbled, playfully elbowing her brother in the side.

The three showed Rica around, making sure he knew where the bathrooms are, where he would be sleeping, where go find help, all those sorts of things. At first he found it odd that they weren't letting him sleep in Ame's room, but then he figured it was probably because the family was still mourning. Not that there was anything wrong with sleeping in the guest bedroom. It was rather nice. The whole house was nice. It was large, yet cozy.

"If you have any questions, you know where everyone's room is, feel free to wake one of us up." Canada said politely. Rica smiled and nodded.

"Thank you." He replied. Canada closed the door behind him, leaving Rica to do his own thing.

— — —

America tossed and turned in his bed, he couldn't sleep. He groaned in annoyance.

"Why can't my stupid body just fall asleep? I mean, I'm not tired but still!" He mumbled to himself.

After a few minutes of unsuccessfully sleeping, he rolled out of bed. Looking at the small alarm clock on the bedside table, he read 2:34 am. Rica sighed, pulling a shirt on and deciding to wander around and find something to do until everyone else was awake.

He noticed that there were lots of pictures of the family, many included America. At first Rica was confused, he was never a child, when were these taken? Then he remembered. Rica awkwardly shuffled away from the pictures.

"Why are they taking care of me if I only remind them that their real son is dead?" He mumbled.


The star spangled country shot his head over to the figure standing at the bottom of the stairs. He squinted, trying to make out who the silhouette was.

"It's me, Nada." Canada said, stepping closer, the maple leaf on his face now much clearer.

"Oh, uh, hey." Rica said, awkwardly waving

"Having trouble sleeping I take it?" Nada asked, Rica nodded.

"That's alright, me too. You up for a little midnight snack?"

Rica smiled. "Sure."

The two walked into the kitchen, Nada turning on the light. They winced at the sudden amount of light, squinting until their eyes had adjusted.

"You want anything in particular? I was thinking I'd steal some chips from the pantry."

"Uh, I'll have some potato chips then." Rica said. Canada nodded, walking into the pantry and returning with two bags of chips. He tossed a bag to Rica.

The two sat in the living room for a while, talking about nothing in particular. Eventually they finished their chip bags, neither were tired so they continued their pointless conversation.

"Canada? Rica?" A voice said. The two turned their heads to see France standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey mom, neither of us could sleep so we've just been chilling here." Canada explained. France thought for a moment.

"How long have you been awake?" She asked, approaching them and taking a seat on one of the chairs.

"Since 2ish, so around 4 hours." Rica said. France chuckled Lightly.

"Next time you can't sleep, take some melatonin from the bathroom cabinet." She said, standing up and turning towards the kitchen. "Would you two like Coffee or tea?" She asked, looking back at them.

"I'll have coffee, please." Rica said.

"Coffee, please and thank you." Canada said.

— — —

 Rica walked into Ame's room, he had been told that there would probably be an American History book in there somewhere. He looked around, the room seemed to have a layer of dust on everything. The bed had America flag sheets, and the pillow was covered in state flags. The ceiling had been painted to look like space, the walls were a deep blue, and the carpet was a grey. The bed was in the far right corner, in the far left was a cluttered desk, and in the opposing left corner was a mirror. Just to the right of the door was a small closet filled with clothes, all seeming to be just the right size for Rica to wear.

He was tempted to try on one of the shirts, but decided that maybe he shouldn't wear a dead person's clothes.

Rica looked around, there was a small shelf of books by the desk, none of which looked like history books. Unless To Kill A Mockingbird, Moby Dick, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Fin were history books. He continued to look around, eventually finding a heavy box on a shelf, buried within the closet. He shakily pulled the box off of the shelf and set it onto the floor. Wiping the dust off of the box he opened it, smiling as he saw a stack of textbooks labeled US History.

— — — — —

What? Plastic updating a book? Two days in a row? 

I know, I know, an unheard of phenomenon.

But hey, hope you enjoy ❤️

Stay Safe & Have a lovely day because you deserve it ^^

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