Coronation Day

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The throne room was loud and bustling more than I've ever known. Parties weren't uncommon but a gathering like this was something you experience once in a lifetime if that. Just about the entirety in Asgard was squeezed inside. I stood beside my father with pride as he stood slightly beside the podium whereupon Odin's throne was displayed. Though it wouldn't be his throne much longer as this was Prince Thor's coronation day.

We were still waiting for Thor to make his entrance while he prepares himself on the other side of the door to the aisle that lead up to the throne. Odin sat in stoic yet proud silence with his wife, Queen Frigga and his second son beside him. However, Prince Loki was presented slightly lower than his father, symbolising his status in the family.

This was something I knew bothered him a lot. When we were together, he shared a lot with me. Feelings and secrets he swore he never told anyone else. I hold onto those memories dearly. To say I still have romantic feelings for him may be a stretch, but to also say I no longer care for him would be an utter lie and thankfully, we still preserved our friendship.

My name is Thyra, by the way. Thee-ra. Born and raised in Asgard with my Father and close friends with the royal family. I'm so utterly grateful for the privileged life I had here.

Loki and I were childhood sweethearts turned teen lovers, but we broke up due to... family drama, basically. That and I think he found romantic happiness elsewhere. Since we parted, I noticed more and more men on his arm than women. I even heard rumours he had a short thing with Fandral, one of the Warriors Three. I mean, he has taste, but Fandral was one of the biggest womanisers I know. Everyone knows. So maybe he's not after loyalty.

But Loki did look handsome stood in his gold and green armour with his iconic horned helmet. Though I wish he'd smile. He must have felt me starting at him when he looked up from the floor to make eye contact with me. I mimed a smile with my hands, reminding him this was a very important occasion and he needed to keep face. He rolled his eyes and moved his gaze to the end of the aisle where Thor was to enter. Better than the floor, at least.

Thor made the most Thor of entrances, energising the room even more than it already was, cheering with the crowd as he paraded to the throne and his father's feet. I clapped along with a bright smile, knowing how much this day meant to him. I wished I could get as rowdy and excited as everyone else, but I had to keep my father's face as well as my own.

Odin rose from his throne to gracefully approach Thor kneeling before him. He thrust his golden staff on the floor which echoed across the ornate, golden and magnificent throne room, silencing everyone present.
"Thor," he began. "Odinson. My heir. My first born." Loki's gaze returned to the floor and pursed his lips. I felt for him, I really did, but I wished he would present himself better. He was a Prince of Asgard, after all. "So long and trusted with the mighty hammer, Mjölnir, forged in the heart of a dying star... It's power has no equal. It's a weapon to destroy. Or as a tool to build. Tis a fit companion for a king." Thor and Loki shared a look. I think Thor was too happy to notice his brother's unease.

"I have defended Asgard and the lives of the innocent across the nine realms..." Odin continued his speech all while Thor brightly smiled up to him. Thor and I went back many years too. We never dated, but he was a fierce and irreplaceable friend. And it's a good thing too because I was set to be his advisor when he was to be crowned.

The reason why my father stood so close to the King on a day like this was because he was Odin's advisor before he retired. Even though he no longer worked for Odin and the royal family, he gained much respect and remained a highly valued friend. He told me that Odin never wanted him to retire, but they made a deal that if he was to leave, I was to then take his place with Thor.

Thankfully, I had no objection to this. But it was what caused mine and Loki's relationship to end. See, you can't have the King's advisor on the arm of his brother. Such a relationship wouldn't look good to the public. Also, Loki was probably set to marry a Prince or Princess of another realm for political reasons.

"Do you swear to guard the Nine Realms?" Odin asked Thor.
"I swear." he answered proudly and truthfully.
"And do you swear to preserve the peace?"
"I swear."
"And do you swear... to cast aside all selfish ambition and please yourself only to the good of the realm?" This seemed to irk Loki further and I knew why. While I respected Odin greatly as our benevolent King, he made fitting into his family very difficult or Loki, not so subtly favouring Thor in his place. Also Thor was very much the gloating type, so I was unsure of how his last promise would play out.

"I swear!" Thor raised his voice while holding Mjölnir above his head.
"Then on this day... I, Odin Allfather... proclaim you..." Thor's face brightened with every word spoken. "Frost Giants." Odin finished with a whisper and darted his eyes to the back of the room. He slammed his staff in the floor once more and the room erupted in murmured conversations.

Thor stood aggressively and angrily looked behind him. Loki didn't know what to do as he swapped between looking at his father, brother and mother. "I apologise!" Odin called above the crowd, holding his arms and staff in the air. "We shall continue this ceremony at a later date. For now, please return to your homes. You will all be invited back again."
The crowd reluctantly disbanded after a few minutes with everyone talking and shouting above each other.

Father and I remained, firstly because we lived in the palace and secondly because we wanted to know what was going on. Thor breathed heavily in frustration as he followed his father towards the palace vaults and then Loki behind him. He turned to look at me and then gestured to "hang fire," so to speak. I trusted he would give answers when he returned.

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