The Rainbow Bridge

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I was finally able to free my arm, but it was still ice cold and numb to the bone. As long as I warned it up slowly, it should be fine.

I looked over the living room balcony that oversaw the city. My gaze turned to the Bifrost where I saw Loki enter. I didn't think much of it as that's what was agreed upon. Heimdall seemed to have put up a fight too as I saw him frozen in place. I hoped he wasn't in too much pain like I was. I trusted he was okay given how much stronger he was than me.

I saw the Bifrost activate, expecting Loki to disappear for a while before returning. But instead, he walked out only a few seconds later followed by Laufey and another giant. My blood ran cold as the only images that came to mind were of Odin and Frigga. Tying my arm in a half-arsed sling, I ran out the door, promising Father I'll be right back. He tried to stop me but I was too fast.

I ran into Odin's room with Frigga still at his side.
"Frost Giants are here, you're both in great danger." I tried pulling on her arm.
"What happened to you?" She asked, looking at my sling.
"Not important." I tugged in her harder. We then heard heavy footsteps stomp closer to the door and on instinct, Frigga took the sword resting by Odin's bed. With one swing, she killed one of two giants that entered. The second was Laufey.

She tried swinging again but was overpowered. Laufey grabbed her and threw her the wall and then the floor, breaking a piece breaking off a piece and kocking me over in the process. I remained as still as possible, praying for my life. I hoped if he thought I was dead, he'd ignore me.

He hovered over Odin's bed, he face beaming with pleasure.
"It is said you can still hear and see what transpires around you." I never heard his voice before. It was rough and husk like he never spoke a word of compassion. Frigga seemed to have to same idea and me as I could still see her awake but very still. I secretly took her hand as some form of comfort as Laufey forged a dagger of ice in his hand. "I hope it's true... So that you may know... your death came... at the hand of Laufey." He leaned in closer with every breath as he raised the dagger above his head.

Frigga squeezed my hand, preparing herself before Laufey was hit by a golden beam and was flung against the wall.
"And your death came by the Son of Odin." Frigga and I looked up together to see Loki at the door. He shot one more golden blast from his staff at Laufey, causing him to explode in sizzles and sparks.

"Loki!" Frigga beamed. She got up and ran to her son, hugging him as tightly as she could. "You saved him." Loki hugged her back, but didn't take his eyes from me and my sling. I stood but kept my distance. He let go of his mother and spoke again, not breaking eye contact.
"I swear... they will pay for what they've done today."

"Loki!" I couldn't believe my eyes to see Thor standing at the door with Mjölnir. I could have fainted right there.
"Thor!" Frigga cried and ran to him. I followed and the three of us were in a group hug. "I knew you'd return to us." She smiled. I let go and turned back to Loki.
"Would rather stay on Earth, would he?" I glared. He said nothing. There was then a stare down between the brothers as Frigga and I backed away.

"Why don't you tell them about how you sent The Destroyer to kill our friends, to kill me?" Thor growled at him.
"What?" Frigga and I said in unison, looking between them.
"Why, I must have been enforcing Father's last command." Loki smiked evilly.
"You're a talented liar, Brother. Always have been." The two circled Odin's bed, always facing opposite each other.
"It's good to have you back." Loki snickered. "Now if you excuse me, I have to destroy Jötunheimr." He fired another beam from his staff at Thor, crashing him through the wall and down who-know-how-many stories.

"Thor!" Frigga and I cried, running to the hole that was caused. While we were distracted, Loki ran out the room, probably to finish what he started. He had already mounted a horse down the bridge by the time I made it to the palace gates.

I followed after him on another horse, but it took time and he was mikes ahead of me. The Bifrost had already been activated, shrouding it in ice like tree branches. It startled my horse, causing it to lift its front legs and winny.

Thor flew overhead on Mjölnir, landing at the entrance of the Bifrost. I thought it best I hung back as to not get caught in any crossfire. I could only just see them, but I knew they were talking and fists were flying followed by one large flash of light. Then lightning and more light.

Something Thor did caused an explosion that sent them both flying out the entrance and Loki just barely held onto the edge of the bridge. Thor went to pull him up but disappeared at his touch.
"Thor, behind you!" I called to him and the real Loki was there waiting for him, thrusting him to the ground with a golden spark from his staff.

He conjured more and more versions of himself around Thor in an attempt to confuse him, but he was smart and cast an enormous stoke of lightning down on them all, sending each one flying back and disappearing. All except one who landed just a few feet away from me and my horse.

Too weak to stand, Thor was able to place Mjölnir on top of him, restraining him to the bridge. Though that didn't stop him from trying to move.

Meanwhile, the Bifrost grew brighter and brighter, spinning wilder with every second like it would explode if left too long. Thor seemed to have been caught in a difficult decision as he looked between both Loki and the Bifrost. I only wish I knew what it was.

"Look at you. The Mighty Thor." Loki spoke. "All that strength and what good does it do you now?" He gritted his teeth and thrust his head back at the pain of being crushed under the weight on Mjölnir. I dismounted as fast as I could. I only have a little feeling in my arm but I still tried as hard as I could to move the hammer. Loki looked up at me in surprise. I was surprised myself. I guess I still had some empathy left for the bastard. Still, I found out I wasn't worthy of Mjölnir.

"Do you hear me, Brother?!" He continued to shout back at Thor. "There's nothing you can do!" Mjölnir levitated in my hands to my surprise before finding out Thor summoned it to him. Loki and I then saw him to be repeatedly thrusting it down on the bridge, slowly destroying it.
"What are you doing?" I called.
"If you destroy the bridge, you'll never see her again!" Loki yelled at him. Thor stopped for a brief moment but continued to swing, each thrust causing another glowing crack.

Loki ran to stop him but not before Thor was able to hit one last time, causing an enormous explosion that shattered another half mile or so of the bridge and a chunk of the edge of the planet. The three of us flew just far enough for me to land safely on an undrestroyed end of the bridge. I landed with all my momentum on my numb arm, hearing the bones shatter inside. I really wished the feeling wouldn't come back now.

Loki and Thor didn't fly far enough, however, and I prepared myself for the worst. Though as if by luck or a miracle, Odin had appeared in full health just in time to catch Thor and then him to catch Loki. Too shaken to get up and run, I crawled towards them as fast as I could with one working arm.
"Loki!" I called out to him. I kept crawling. I kept struggling. But I found myself too late as I fell and reached over the edge of the bridge. I saw Loki let go of Thor and float out into the void of space. "Loki!" I cried after him, tears streaming uncontrollably as I watched him grow smaller and smaller until he disappeared altogether.

Thor, now on his feet, pulled me back onto the bridge and to my feet. He pulled me close, allowing me to cry onto his armour as he rubbed my back. The Bifrost crumbled and fell off the edge, floating into nothingness.

The three of us walked back down the rainbow bridge together, Thor trying to comfort me the whole way.
"You shouldn't feel guilty, he planned this a long time ago." He spoke softly. I said nothing. What was there to say? My love was lost to space forever and we never got to make amends. But at the same time, he lied to my face all while I defended him to our friends.

That's the God of Mischief for you. Builds your trust so he can stab you in the back. But I missed him. I love and missed him so much.

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