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"I must say, I very much disagree with this, Thyra." After Loki and I had our discussion in the lounge, I expressed the thought of Loki possibly temporarily taking over the throne to my father. As expected, he had opinions.
"If there were a better option, or even a different option, I might be inclined to consider it." I argued back. "But since there is none, I don't think we have a choice. Loki is next in line to the throne and with both Thor and Odin gone, what else do you expect?"

Father opened his mouth and closed it, hoping he'd have something worth sharing. Unfortunately, nothing came to mind. "I have the same doubts as you, But it's only temporary and by law of order in a monarchy, the weight of the crown falls to Loki."
Father sighed and rubbed his eyes.
"And what role do you play in this?" He asked. I pursed my lips and fiddled with one of the rings on my finger.
"If he becomes King, he says until either Thor or Odin's return, he wants me to be his advisor. Afterwards has yet to be decided." He seemed to be calmer knowing this which I only half expected. The other half predicted him to protest even more.

"You're lucky I trust you." He said. "But this is war we're facing, Thyra. War. Are you capable of managing something like this with a King with no experience?"
"Hopefully, we can find a way to keep peace on this side and keep the fight off our land. The civilians' safety is the priority." Father sighed once more and pulled me into a hug, stroking my hair.
"I pray for your safety. Please don't let him do anything reckless."

I met Loki back in the throne room where he traced his fingers over the arm rests of the grand and ornate chair, reluctant to sit in it. He was wearing his same green and gold armour as he wore during Thor's coronation. And holding Odin's staff.
"I want to apologise for you having to see me in the state I was. It was unprofessional and I'm sorry." He said and I tilted my head.
"Don't be stupid, you know I'd do anything for you. And you still worry about professionalism with me?" I laughed. "Did you talk to Frigga?"
"To my surprise, she suggested I become King for now. I don't think I had much of a choice, but I didn't turn it away."

I was truly happy for him as this was so the had been hoping for since I first knew him. And that also means I become his advisor.
"I do wonder how your mother feels about this arrangement." I gestured between us.
"She understands that this is the only way. But she's not so sure about us working together."
"That's fair." I nodded. "My father feels similarly. He just wants to make sure things go as smoothly as possible."

"No, you don't understand." Loki took a step towards me and took both my hands in his. "She's unsure about us." Bewildered, I took a step back and let go.
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" I asked him, slightly scared of the answer. He looked hurt.
"I'm not saying I still... feel something. But if you're to work with me, as an advisor no less... I need your honesty." I wasn't sure how to feel about that and it definitely didn't clear my confusion on where his feelings lay. I didn't answer him and brought my gaze to the floor. "...Do you still feel something?" He asked.

My face flushed in embarrassment and my body stiffened. How do you answer something like that?
"I-I_" I fumbled over my thoughts. "What kind of question is that? War is on our doorstep and you want to know about relationships?" He glanced away before looking back at me.
"Forget the war for just this moment." He began. "What I'm trying to say is that last time, we didn't have a choice. But now we do. So I wanted to take the time to clear the air as early as possible and lay my thoughts on the table." He took another step towards me, waiting for my answer.

My mind was both blank and moving a mile a minute. So I spoke from the heart.
"Do you still have feelings for me?" I asked him straight out. "If we're laying thoughts on the table, then I want your honesty." Loki sighed, looked away and nodded softly. My heart fluttered at the thought of him still holding on after all those years. All those years left him unshaken.
"Then..." I smiled and took his hands back. "Then I'm willing to try again." Loki tried to fight off a smile but failed and pulled me into a tight embrace. I always loved his hugs much more than his kisses. His warmth, touch and scent were unmatched and I felt my hidden, forgotten feelings rush back to me all at once.

Loki removed his arms from me and took my chin in one hand like how he did when we were younger. Our lips met, enveloping each other in a tender and overdue kiss. I never realised how much I missed him. I laughed to myself at the thought of all the popularity from women going to Thor when they had no idea I snagged the superior Prince of Asgard. I only wish I could flaunt it.
"I missed you." He smiled after pulling away. I had forgotten how beautiful and blue his eyes were. It pained me knowing how much suffering was behind them. I smiled in return and hugged him once more.
"I'll never leave you again." I hoped I could keep that promise. When and if Loki had to give the throne back, I wondered if our relationship would work. Even in secret.

Loki looked back over at the throne and grew an excited smile.
"Here." He removed his horned helmet and handed to me before sitting down in his father's throne. "Pretend it's a coronation. There people everywhere, it's loud and you're the only one who can crown me." His excitement and bright smile was hopelessly endearing.
"I don't have Mjölnir, so you're going to have to bear with me." I laughed and arranged the his helmet in my hands.

"Loki Odinson!" My voice echoed against the walls of the vastly empty room as I held the helmet above my head. "Due to the desperate need of a king in these unprecedented times, I hearby temporarily crown you..." I walked around the throne to stand in front of him and slowly placed the helmet in his head. "King! Of Asgard!"

Loki couldn't contain himself as he thrust onto his feet, picking me up in the process and spun me around. We laughed together at first but we're suddenly interrupted.
"Allfather, we wish to speak with you immediately!" Lady Sif and The Warriors Three caught us red-handed.

To Have Loved Then Lost (LokixOc)Where stories live. Discover now