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A few weeks later, back in the palace, things mostly returned back to normal. Odin was in power and there was a great feast in the throne room. I was with my friends again as if all was forgiven and forgotten. The feeling had returned to my arm and the breaks were mostly mended by witches we had on staff. Though it still hurt and I had to keep in in my sling for a few weeks more. My friends and were laughing and telling stores like old times, but I couldn't shake the knowledge of there being a face missing.

He may have been a liar, a cheat and a backstabber, but the Loki I knew and grew up with was real. What we had was real. And maybe that was just wishful thinking, but it still didn't stop me missing and caring about him as much as I did.

Thor stood up from his place to take a stroll. He greeted his mother before disappearing behind a wall and walking along the rainbow bridge. I stood to follow him, trying to push through the many people crowding the room. I would have followed him out, but stopped at Frigga when I picked up the feeling he wanted to be left alone.
"My Queen, I'm so sorry for your loss." I bowed my head.
"And I yours." She smiled at me and stroked my arm.
"How is he?" I asked.
"He mourns his brother." She sighed and nodded. "And he misses her."

I heard through the grapevine that Thor had a brief romance on Earth. A scientist. Maybe there was some truth to Loki's words after all. It was upsetting to know he couldn't visit her again. I only hope Loki landed somewhere. Anywhere. If he did, he could survive.

Later that evening, walked alone down the rainbow bridge. I needed air and to clear my mind. At the end, Heimdall stood watching over the universe. I stood beside him but didn't speak, unsure of how to start a conversation.
"He's alive." He said, breaking the silence. I could have got whiplash from how fast I snapped around.
"Are you serious?"
"He's alive but not well. I see him." His calm voice was unfitting for such a subject.
"Where is he? What's he doing?" I didn't want to sound desperate, but I couldn't help it.
"He and this very powerful alien are after The Tesseract, one of the most powerful stones in the universe. To prove his loyalty to the cause, Loki is suffering great torture. I see lots of fire, but not enough to kill him."

My mind clouded as I felt tears welling in my eyes. I didn't know how to feel. Grateful he was alive or heartbroken at the cost?
"What can we do to save him?" I asked.
"Nothing of yet." I huffed at his tactless words, never having felt more powerless.
"Why have you burdened me with this knowledge?" I gritted my teeth.
"To bring you closure. He's suffering, but he's strong. I trust he'll find a way to find you again."

It wasn't the hope I wanted, but it's the hope I got. And I had to hold onto that with everything I had.

A/N Thanks very much for reading and making it to the end. If this gets enough attention, I might continue on with the rest of the Thor timeline and movies. If that's what you want, please let me know and hopefully you'll see me very soon. Good day/night :)

To Have Loved Then Lost (LokixOc)Where stories live. Discover now