Day 2 class 2 Language part 2: French with France and Monaco

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Hello I'm back! And now it is time for French class with France, it will probably be alright though. So hope you enjoy!

Katherines POV:

I was shivering as I entered the classroom and took a seat at the back of class, France was standing smiling at the front. "Bonjour mon amis, je m'appelle Francis Bonnefoy. It means Hello my friends, I am Francis Bonnefoy and to add I am one of your French teachers." He winked and many of the girls squealed, they thought he was handsome (which he is). Monaco rose from the desk and simply said "I am Michelle Bonnefoy, your substitute teacher today, because Matthew has an «accident» involving some students knocking him over. Now today we will teach you some french words and pronounciation then we will watch a film the rest of the class."

The lesson was really quite okay, the vocabulary part was a bit boring. However I payed attention since I didn't want to lose my place in this school by failing this class. The pronounciation part was difficult, Turi had taken French, but I hadn't (I chose English in depth instead) so I had no idea how to do it. Luckily many struggled, and those who were french helped teaching us the r sound, and the nazal sound. The rest of the lesson was filled with a film called Le petit Nicholas (a childrens film), the reason was that it was a bit simpler in language. After the lesson I was actually in a good mood, and went to meet Turi by the lockers.

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