ch 12

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written- 01/05/21

Georges pov-

I woke up, a feeling of warmth radiating from around me. I snuggled into the heat, soon realising that i was squished between to things. I opened my eyes, seeing a body infront of me. I shot back, only to be stopped by another body behind me. Looking up, i saw sapnap, sleeping peacefully, a small strand of hair sweeping over hi eye. I looked down, seeing his and another hand wrapped around my waist.. Slowley, i turned around, trying not to wake the sleeping boy. I was met with a sleeping dream, his hair slightly messy and flopping over his eyes, not missing his lack of shirt.

I noticed i was wearing dreams shirt and sapnaps shorts, both of which were to big for me. The events of last night played over in my head, remembering from the point the two men showed up at my house, riddled with annoyance to the point they were wiping cum from between my thighs. My face heated up as i shoved my face into dream chest. A few moments later, the dirty blonde stirred awake, lightly kissing my head.

"good morning baby" he said, his voice raspy and deeper than usual. I blushed harder at the pet name, burrying my face deeper into his chest. I felt sapnap pull closer to me, placing his head in the crook of my neck, pecking the skin gently. "morning" i mumbled into dreams chest. "what times your family getting back?" sapnap asked, moving his hands up and down my waist.

I shot up, completely forgetting about my family. I looked to my alarm clock seeing it said 10:45am. I scrambled out of bed, resulting in a groan from the two taller men. "up. you have to leave." i said hurriedly stripping the shorts and t-shirt i was wearing, chucking the shirt to dream and shorts to sapnap. They caught them and chucked them on the bed, walking up to me.

I looked up at them, confused. "what are you doing my families gonna-" i was cut of when i felt one of each of their hands squeeze my ass. Had it not been for the fact my family was going to be home in less than 15 minutes, i would've melted right there. "no no no you guys need to go" i instructed, pushing them off and walking over to the bed ,picking their clothes back up and shoving them at them.

chuckling, they put their clothes on as i walked to my wardrobe, picking out a pair of grey joggers and a large black hoodie. I chucked them on and grabbed dream and sapnaps hands, dragging them through my house to my kitchen. I chucked them a granola bar and gave them a bottle of water each. They quickly finished them and i took them to put their shoes on. I opened the door, crossing my arms over myself, attempting to shield myself from the cold air.

"bye" i said as they walked out of the door, standing infront of me. They looked down at me expectantly and i knew what they wanted. Standing on my tiptoes, i gave each of them a peck on the lips. They smiled, walking off on separate sides of the road. I smiled closing the door and heading to the kitchen to make something quickly for my family.

I quickly poured each of their favorite cereals in a bowl. Golden nuggets for tommy, coco pops for Wilbur, frosties for Techno and bran flakes for Phil . I set them down on the table, just in time as they all walked through the door. They walked into the kitchen, each of them giving me a hug and sitting infront of each of their bowls, digging in immediately. I wiped down the counters as the ate.

"what did you do last night George?" tommy asked, looking as if he was going o burst out in laughter at any second. "just called with a few friends and watched some movies." i lied, moving to wipe down the next counter. "which friends?" techno asked, with the same energy as tommy. "niki, eret, fundy, puffy and minx" i lied again. "sounds like fun" Wilbur added, also giving off the same energy. Phil seemed just as confused as i was as to why the three of them were acting so weird.

I brushed it off, collecting all of their now empty bowls and placing them in the dishwasher. I went back to my room, Wilbur, techno and tommy following close behind. they entered my room, closing the door behind them. "what?"i asked confused as i sat at my desk.

"so what did you actually do last night?" Wilbur asked. "i dont know what you mean?" i lied. "okay then why did we see dream and sapnap walking down the road when we were driving up?" techno asked, raising an eyebrow. "they were probably just walking" i replied, cringing at my inability to think of a good excuse.

"then whos is that white bandana and green hoodie over there?" tommy giggled, pointing to the two clothing pieces on the floor. I covered my face in embarrassment realising there was no way i could explain myself.

the three of them burst out laughing as i put my head in my hands, curling into a ball on my chair. "stop it." i whined, still red in embarrassment. "i dont get how you got them willingly into the same room as eachother let alone have sex." Wilbur cackled. I shot up, pushing them all out of my room. "out out out," i shouted, my face redder than ever. I slammed the door behind them, still hearing them cackling outside of my door. I flopped on my bed, looking to my phone as it buzzed, I swiped up on the notification.

*dream added you to the group*

sapnap- meet us at the park down 5th street.

me- okay

i unplugged my phone, quickly getting changed into a white skirt with lime green knee high socks. i chucked on dreams hoodie and tied sapnaps bandana around my head, applying a small amount of mascara and grabbing my white converse. I slipped them on and headed downstairs.

"Phil im going to the park to meet with some friends." i said before leaving out the door.

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