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AN: Warning: Smut. Edit: ACTUAL smut now.

Dean and Sam headed inside, victorious.

"How'd it go?" Gabe asked.

"Bitch didn't stand a chance," Sam said smugly, kissing the Trickster. "Hello to you too."

Dean headed up the stairs. "Cas? We're home!"

He opened the door, to see her lying on the bed, asleep.

Dean walked over and brushed aside her hair to expose her pretty face.

Next, he leaned over her and whispered to her bump, which looked to be about five months.

"Hey, buddy. Were you good for Cas?" He said softly.

His son responded with two visible taps, and so the hunter leaned back, and pulled Cas onto his chest.

She woke up, groggy. "Dean?"

"Yep. You can go back to sleep."

"Gabriel felt him today." "What'd the Trickster think?"

"He was pretty amazed."

Dean grinned at the thought. "Makes sense. Hey, Cas?" "Yes, Dean?"

"How long does the gestation period tend to last?"

"About seven months approximately. Why?"

"Nothin'. Our son's just growing as he should."

Cas was comforted, and drifted off to sleep.


Sam heard a noise in the middle of the night. He sat up to see Gabe, watching the window.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked, standing up and crossing the room.

"Metatron, the bastard, is out there somewhere."

Sam kissed Gabe. "Mm. So what?"

"He wants to kill all of us, not just our nephew."

"Well. duh. We're Winchesters, a general pain in the ass."

"You know what, Sam?"


"I love you, you Booger," Gabe said, kissing Sam.

And that was when he realized that Sam was completely naked.


Dean snuck Cas downstairs before the sun started to rise.

"Dean, what are we doing?"

"Making sure that we get enough breakfast before the hounds wake up."

She gave him a hug. "How did I ever get to deserve someone like you?"

"Well, you saved my ass about a thousand times."

"Hey, in my defense, you have a lovely ass," Cas said nonchalantly.

Dean laughed. "Here," he said, handing her a bagel and a bowl of cereal.

"We need to be quiet, though, or else they'll all come down begging me to make breakfast again."


"Sam. Sam. Sammy," Gabe said nudging the younger Winchester.

A muffled "What," came from underneath Sam's pillow.

"Are you a virgin?"

"Nope. Why do ya ask?"

"I wanna know whether you'll learn on the job, or you're already experienced," Gabriel purred.

"I'm experienced all right. Say the word and I'll be ready," Sam teased, pulling his head out from under the pillow and propping himself up on his elbows.

"You look like a god, you know that, right?" Gabe said, looking directly at Sam's amazing chest.

"Yep. And you look fun-sized," Sam said, grinning.

"You sound drunk," Gabe said, laughing.

"No, really, you do! I'm serious!"

Suddenly, Gabriel leaned to the wall, an grin spreading across his face.

"Fifty bucks says that Dean accidentally buried his face in her naughty pillows and has a boner."

"I would check, but..." Sam said, and Gabriel looked back at him.

"You still naked?" "Yup." "That's hot. C'mere, you sexy thing."

Sam stood up and crossed the room, completely taking Gabriel's breath away.

"Good morning to you," the archangel purred. "I'm very tempted to do naughty things."

"Don't, or I swear I will come directly on the floor, and neither of us wants to clean that up."

"Point taken. Still," Gabe said, laughing.

Sam kissed Gabe, picking him up and pressing him against the wall as the shorter man wrapped his legs around his waist.

"Good morning to you too," Sam mumbled, grinning.

Gabe tugged his shirt off while Sam unbuckled his pants.

"God, I've wanted to do this for so long," Gabriel growled as all of his clothes fell away.

Their lips crashed together again, and Sam carried him to the bed.

The younger Winchester sucked on Gabe's neck, leaving marks and making the angel moan.

Gabriel kissed up and down Sam's neck, eventually finding his sweet spot.

Sam flipped the archangel over and moved forth so that his erection brushed against Gabe's ass, and Gabriel snapped, making lube materialize in Sam's hand, which the hunter immediately used to lather all over his dick and to prep Gabe's ass.

The warrior of God mewled upon feeling fingers in him, and clenched. Sam chuckled, and gently slid himself in, eyeing Gabriel occasionally to make sure that he was comfortable.

Gabriel surprised Sam by bucking his hips backwards and causing Sam to go balls-deep in him.

Quick Author's note: I'm fixing this and I'm not done I just don't have time

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