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Dean and Cas arrived soon after Sam stopped researching.

The younger Winchester figured it out immediately because of Gabriel.

"Cassie!" Sam sighed. Time to get a lecture from Dean.

Everyone went outside to see Dean's Impala, and Cas and the older Winchester himself, walking towards the Singer household.

Dean pulled Sam into a hug, then held him at arm's length.

"You shithead. Never ever deal with a demon again, Sammy."

Bobby nodded towards Dean, who took his brother's hand and dragged him into the house.

"Dean! What're you doing?" Sam asked nervously.

"Getting rid of this demon blood addiction right here and now." With that, Sam was promptly shoved into the Panic Room, and locked in.

"Deeeeaaaannnnn!" Sam screamed, and Gabriel suddenly appeared. "What's up, Samsquatch?"

"Get me out. Now." Gabe smirked. "Wrong answer. Now, how 'bout we have some fun? Whaddya want, Sam? Hookers? Movies? Poker?"

Sam didn't respond, glaring at the shorter being. "Why are you here?"

Gabriel made a hurt expression. "Why, I came to entertain you."

"I really need to be alone right now," Sam said, pacing and wincing, before cradling his head and screaming a bit.

"C'mon, Samwich. Cooperate. Get the stick out of your ass before I do."

Sam raised an eyebrow. "How would you do that?"

The Trickster fell silent, and gritted his teeth. "Damn you, I hadn't thought that far ahead," he said reluctantly.

Sam grinned. "I win?"

"Fuck no!"


Castiel only heard wisps of conversation instead of screams of withdrawal.

"Dean?" "Yeah, Cas?" "What are we to do now?"

Dean sighed. "Gimme awhile to figure that out, okay? I just need to keep Sam away from Lucifer until he is safe in his cage."

Cas tilted his head. "Is there anything I can do?"

Dean looked gratefully back up at the angel. "See if you can find a way to get Lucifer's ass back in hell."

Castiel nodded, and flew away.

Dean racked his brain.
Think, Dean. Think. Think.

A memory suddenly rushed through his brain like a wildfire.

"Hey Cas, where'd Sammy go?" Castiel contemplated this for a moment.
"He wouldn't say."
Great. Dean took a swig of his beer.
"Hey Cas? Just out of curiosity, have you ever 'done the deed' yet?"
Cas was slightly confused. "I don't understand."
"So you've never kissed or had sex?" "No. I haven't had time, and the one I hold dear, well, I'm not sure they see me the same way."
"Pfft," Dean said, amused. "Then they're idiots. If you like them, they should at least acknowledge your affection."
Cas smiled, a genuine smile. "It's not as simple as that."

The memory faded. It was the night, Dean was sure, and knew there was more, but refused to strain his brain the rest.

He thought about the memory, and Castiel's attitude that morning. I was possible that they were linked.

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