Chapter Eight

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"Your father called," my mother stated as she woke from her slumber.

"Okay, what does he want?" I asked right after.

"He will be taking you to London the ending of this month," my mother said then walk away, locking herself in the bathroom.


"I am leaving to go London."

"To your father?" Miguel asked.

"Yes, he wants my education to be better than what here could provide for me."

"That's good," Miguel said sipping from his water.

"Yes, dad thinks while I am there I could accomplish my doctor dream easily."


"Are you okay?" I asked Miguel facing him.

"Yes, why won't I be?" he said turning his back to me.

"Michele..." I sighed.

"No, don't say my name like that..." He said heartbrokenly.

"Michele..." I try again.

He turned to face me, with an expression I am avoiding to develop for him but instead he did for me.

"No stop, you made me fall for you in such a short time and now you're leaving like that. When are you going to London?"

"The ending of this month," I choked out.

"I hope you achieve all your dreams, bye Katryn."

I stared at his retreating form walking towards the sunset as he left me standing at the basketball court.


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