Chapter Thirteen- years after...

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It is 5:35am.

And my butt, arms and legs are soar from being in the gym for 2 hours everyday with my father and Adrian.

But I love a good sweat to start my day.

"God, don't get me wrong sir, but damn these workouts you made us do burns!!!"

Adrian lay on the ground like a starfish.

My father chuckled, wiping his face with his hand towel.

"Yes son, that's what made it brilliant."

"Not wrong," I said helping Adrian off the ground.

My alarm went off.

'It's a beautiful day to save lifes.'

By Derek Shepherd.


Exiting the OR from a 3 hours surgery on a brain, I entered the waiting room to find my patient's family asleep beside the mother of my patient whom is anxiously knitting.

"Mrs. Henderson?"

She looked up from her uncompleted sweater at me with tear stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes.

"The surgery was a success and your son is fine although he will remain a night in the hospital for any check ups."

I am attack in a bear hug by a short, sobbing mother.

These little things makes my job easier and I love it even more.

I hugged her back.


After arriving home, from my 8 hours and more shift, Adrian joined me to the gym after working in my father's company.

We showered when we got home.

Adrian and I stayed with my father since he refused to let us be anywhere else than his huge mansion he rarely visits beside to sleep, shower or have breakfast. 


I am attaching my earrings standing in front my bedroom's mirror getting dressed for my father's monthly company fundraiser when Adrian's arms circled my waist through my black silk gown and his kisses on my neck causes amazing chills on my body.

"Have I told you how gorgeous you are?" Adrian said, his hot breath warming my body.

I turned in his arms without his arms dropping and touched my nose with his.



Entering the huge auditorium, we are immediately greeted by other employees from my father's company.

We drank and dance.

Until my father spoke.

"Today is a special day everyday."

I'm waiting for him to continue but his gazed turned to me then a female gasped made me turned.


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