«Chapter 8»

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It's been two months and so far the prison is actually feeling like a home to all of us.

Hershel is all better and happily walking in crutches,

The only prisoner left that is alive is Axel. The big tough guy was killed by rick, apparently he tried to kill Rick.

We still haven't found Andrea, we don't know if she's alive or not.

A lady appeared at the gates and told us that someone named The Governor had Glenn and Maggie at his town called 'Woodbury', but we took them back and we now have a little rivalry with the town.

Lori died giving birth to Judith. She was with Maggie and Carl when walkers broke into the prison. Hershel wasn't there to help, so Maggie had to cut her open. Carl shot her. Rick is still broken.

T-dog died the same day Lori did.

It's sad, but it's just life now. Death is inevitable. Especially now.

I walked into my cell to change from the bloody, sweaty shirt into my AC/DC tank top.

I took off my shirt, my back was facing the cell door. I heard footsteps, but just assumed they were walking past. Besides, I'm wearing a sports bra and nobody will judge anymore.

I heard my cell door open. I quickly remembered my scars from my father and I quickly pulled my shirt over my head and turned around, seeing Daryl with his fists clenched and an angry and shocked expression on his face.

"He didn't. . . You promised me he didn't touch you!" He yelled the last part. Tears began to form.

"I'm sorry, Daryl, I-"

"Why wouldn't you tell me?!" He asked.

"He hurt me whenever you or Merle weren't around. . . He told me not to tell or it would be worse." I admitted. I looked up into his eyes and saw them watering.

"Why did dad touch you?" He asked, his voice cracking. "Why was I so stupid not to notice?" He asked.

"Nobody noticed, Daryl. . ." I said softly. He looked at me and let a couple tears fall. He hugged me and I lightly cried into his shoulder.

"This is why I didn't want to tell you, Daryl." I said.

"He abused you, Jas! I could have stopped it but I didn't! I was supposed to be there for you and look out for you but I didn't!" He ranted. I let go of him.

"Daryl, don't be sad." I said.

"I can't believe you wouldn't tell me." He said, not crying anymore. "I'm your brother, I'm the only one that was ever there for you. I told you everything but apparently I can't be fucking trusted. Can't fucking believe it." He mumbled the last part and stormed out of my cell. I stood there with my eyes watering.

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