«Chapter 16»

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Maggie, Beth, Sasha, Carl, Rick, Daryl and I were all standing by the fence, looking at the governor and his new people, all pointing guns at us. I began to breath heavily and Daryl wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

"Rick! Come on down here! Let's have a talk." The governor yelled. Rick looked around at everyone.

"I don't make the rules anymore! We have a council now! They make the decisions, not me!" Rick yelled.

"Well you're making them today. Hey, was Hershel on the council?" He asked. I looked up at Daryl, holding my breath.

"It's okay. Calm down, alright?" He said softly. I nodded and took in a breath, looking back at the field. A woman brought Hershel up and put him on his knees, facing us with his hands behind his back. 

I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I don't know how this is gonna play out, and I have to toughen up.

I heard Maggie and Beth's cries, seeing their father being held hostage.

"What about Michonne? She on the council too?" He asked, then personally grabbed Michonne and pulled her out of the car.

"Oh god. . ." I whimpered.

"Wanna talk now?" The governor asked. Rick turned to look at me and took a deep breath, nodding.

"Rick, go. It's fine." Maggie cried. Rick looked at Carl and nodded before walking up to the governor, now only one fence separating them.

The rest of us couldn't hear what they were saying, since we were farther away, but I was somewhat able to make out what the Governor was saying, but not Rick, because his back was turned to me.

After a few minutes of the two talking, Daryl stood up.

"Where are you going?" I asked quickly, putting my hand on his wrist.

"I'll be fine. Hang on." He said. I nodded, dropping my hand back down and looking around at the governors people.

I noticed the governor had Mihconne's katana at Hershel's neck. I had my hands on the fence, wanting this to stop. I know people are gonna die today, and if we were focused on preparing for the Governor coming back, we might have been okay.

I saw Daryl slowly walking down, handing people guns. He got to me and I started to lose my breath  again.

"I can't." I shook my head, a couple tears falling from my eyes. I'm too weak.

"You might not have to. Just scare them." Daryl said. I nodded and pointed the gun through the holes in the fence with shaky hands.

"I can end this right now." I heard Carl say. I gulped.

"From this far?" Daryl said, nonchalant.

"I'm a good shot. I could end this right now." Carl said.

"How many more people do you wanna kill?!" I snapped, whispering harshly. Carl looked at me, then back at the Governor.

"Or you could start somethin' else. Let your dad handle this." Daryl said. I put my hand on my stomach, feeling blood on my hands.

"We can all come back!" I heard rick yell, then was quieter again. I focused on the Governor. He took the katana away from Hershel's neck slowly. I saw Hershel smile at Rick.

I focused on what the Governor was saying. I saw him say one word, then he sent the katana through Hershel's neck, beheading him.

I stopped moving. I dropped my gun. I heard rick scream 'no' and shoot the governor in the leg. I heard Beth and Maggie's screams, I heard the bullets whizzing by, but I couldn't move.

"Jas! Come on!" I heard Daryl yell. I picked up my gun and screamed, pulling the trigger as bullet after bullet fired, some getting people in the head, and one getting the governor right in the stomach.

That's it. No more being nice. Hershel was nice, and now he's dead.

I ran away from the fence, seeing the cars and tank roll over them, letting walkers in.

I hid behind an overturned picnic table and took a deep breath, resting my head on the gun. I shut my eyes and felt tears burning them. Hershel's dead.

I felt hands grab my shoulders and yank me back, slamming me onto the ground. I felt the air leave my lungs as the man climbed on top of me, swinging his fist onto my face. I struggled to get away, but he was heavy. He hit me again, my head swinging to the left. I tasted the blood in my mouth and opened my eyes, seeing my gun. I got all of the strength I could gather and punched him in the nose, giving me enough time to grab my gun. He brought his fist back again, but I quickly pulled the trigger, shooting him in the head. He fell off of me and I gasped for air, crawling away. I took a moment to collect myself, feeling my whole body aching.

I stood up and looked around, not seeing anyone anymore. My eyes went wide as I looked around, finally seeing somebody.

"Lizzie! Mika!" I screamed at the two little Woodbury girls that were staying in cell block D. They shot down a woman and put Judith on the ground, still in her baby carrier.

"You guys have to get on the bus!" I yelled over the loud bangs and gunshots, grabbing onto Lizzie's shoulders.

"No, we gotta fight! Carol said we have to be strong and brave!" Lizzie yelled taking mika and running back into the prison.

"Guys!" I shouted, spitting out blood. I was about to run after them, when I looked down and realized they left Judith there. I bent down and took her out, when a walker came out of nowhere. I covered Judith's ears and shot it down, getting blood all over the baby carrier. I looked at Judith and saw that she was alright. I let out a relieved breath and put the gun in my jeans, taking Judith in my arms.

"Let's get out of here." I said to her. I looked up. "First I need to find Daryl." I sighed. I looked behind me and saw Tyreese and Lizzie and Mika.

"Tyreese! Please, can you take Judith? I need to find Daryl." I said quickly, limping up to him. He nodded and took her in his arms. I kissed the baby's forehead and ran off.

"Daryl!" I screamed, wishing for an answer. I didn't receive one. "Daryl! Please..." I closed my eyes and took a breath. I opened my eyes and looked around. The bus was gone, Tyreese and the girls were gone, the tank was in flames, probably the work of my brother, and nobody was seen.

I took a moment to think of all the people I've killed in the past thirty minutes. I counted them all up. Ten. I killed ten people. I saw them all go down. I killed them.

They killed our own. They killed innocent people. They almost killed us. They killed Hershel. They killed my brother, they ruined our home.

They deserved it.

I heard walker moans and growls an decided it was time to go.

I ran off, hoping everyone's still alive.

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