«Chapter 45»

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"Jasmin, stop!" People from the group were yelling at me, but I just looked down at Judith.

"If I go with you, you leave these people alone, right?" I asked. "Because if you're lying, they will kill you." I threatened.

"I also came here for rick grimes and your father or something. Dixon." Daryl?

"He's my brother. You aren't going anywhere near him. Or rick. You either leave now of I'll send a bullet through your sick head." I spat, aiming my gun at the mans head. "Nobody asked you to be here. Now, either leave with me and only me, or I'll shoot you."

"Whatever, I don't have time for this shit, let's go." He said. He climbed back out through the window and I followed. Once he hit the ground I began to climb out. I turned around and put the gun to my head, signalling that I was gonna shoot him. Rick let out a breath and I dropped to the ground, catching up with the man.

"Never got your name." I said.

"Kirsten." He said.

"Well, Kirsten, you are such a bitch." I said with a fake smile. He turned around and I had my gun in his face. "About to hurt a baby? I mean, there's mean, but that. . . Shockingly, it's nothing I can't deal with. I have a way with people. Although, I'm also not afraid to send a bullet right between your eyes, either." I said. He took out his gun.

"You wouldn't dare. In front of your group? They're all watching from that window. I can get a clean shot to that rick guy from here." He said, moving his gun towards the window.

"Fuck off." I said, shooting my gun. I reached to get his gun and knife and I walked back into the house.

"Got some more weapons." I said, placing them on the table. "Seriously guys, the baby is screaming in there." I said, jogging up the steps and to Judith's crib. I picked her up and calmed her down.

I casually walked downstairs and the group just stared at me. "What?" I asked, confused.

"You just killed him with no problem. . ."

"Glenn, you guys do it too. He was threatening you guys. I wasn't about to let him kill you." I said.

"Jasmin, can I talk to you?" I heard Daryl ask.

"Why, so you can punch me again?" I asked.

"For gods sake, jas--"

"Hey, jas, could you help with something out here?" I heard rick yell. I turned around with Judith and walked outside.

"Thanks." I mumbled, brushing my hair out of my face. He nodded and continued with the gardening.

After a couple hours of doing nothing, Rick, Glenn, Abe and a couple others comeback from the run they were on.

I walked to the front door and hugged rick, glad he made it out in one piece. Me and Rick have gotten really close. I wanna say we're together but I'm also not sure. I heard a whimper come from behind him and I let go, giving rick a confused look. Everyone walked towards us as Rick turned around and picked up a little girl, no older this six years old. She had a scared look on her face.

"Who's this?" Daryl asked.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" I asked.

"M-Macy." She said.

"That's a pretty name. My names Jasmin. How old are you?" I asked. She held up five fingers. She was only a year old when this started. I looked up at rick.

"I'll talk to you later." He whispered to me. I nodded.

"You're five? Cool!" I smiled. She giggled. "I'm twenty." I said.

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