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Name: Rose Narumi 

age: 10

family: naru-nii, father-dead, mother-dead

alice: control she can control anything including people+alices

alice type: ???

star ranking: special (she lives in teachers dorm so they can watch her)

Looks: She has long blonde hair that reaches to her waist and is very hard to tame, she has beutiful orange eyes that have a cheeky tinge to them. She has a tatoo around her right eye as an alice restraint she also has an alice restraint tatoo on her right arm the tatoo on her right arm is a rose tatoo she calls it a 'sick joke'. On one ear she has a long earing at the top and to on her ear lobe on the other ear she only has one (alice restraints.) She usually has headphones in.

Personality:She changes her personality quite a bit so no one understands the real her, very few people know what shes really like. Although like her eyes suggest she is quite cheeky and that never changes. she is incredibly dense about anything conserning herself but with others shes as sharp as an eagle.

Likes: She likes to listen to music, a good laugh, pranking people

dislikes: jin-jin, self pitying people, bakas, cat-dog people (sumire :D lol), spicy foods.

extras: very loyal, works well with people 

Shes extremely scared of loud noises that sound like gun shots


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