chapter 9

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" we do with her know?" I heard someone say.

"We give her more restraints and continue to do so until she learns she can't go around doing as she pleases." another voice spoke.

I don't want to open my eyes but it sounds like there b!tching (sorry excuse my french) about me in front of me. dang gurll that was bad.

How should i get their attention in a way that makes me look good and gets me on there good side? I dunno i'll just tell 'em i'm awake.

"IM AWAKE SO STOP TALKING ABOUT ME LIKE I'M NOT HERE U MEANIES!!!!!!" I shouted like a completely insane person.

I quickly scan the shocked faces and discover its Jin-jin, Sona-chin and if I'm correct the elementary school principle.......I probably should've learnt his name.

I looked around the room but every thing was black other than the tiny candle. What the hell are we in the freaking 18th century for gawds sake.

"You have the choice here of more restraints every time you do something wrong another option we double the pain on your restraints and continue if you do something wrong or you get another tattoo." It was principle man. I know he looks like a kid and all but that creeps me out so much more than if he was an adult.

"I don't want any more jewellery it would be to much of a pain and more tattoos won't do good for my sparkling complexion *winks* so i choose the double the pain or whateva. Also why am I being punished when they attacked me?" I'm already screwed so might as well be brave and ask.

"I thought it was obvious why you are the one being punished Naru-no sorry I can't call you Narumi-san thats too weird so i hope you don't mind but I'm calling you Rose-chan." Jin-jin spoke but he got quieter and quieter to my amusement.

"You retaliated isn't that enough reason considering your alice has never been seen before and is much more dangerous than even personas death alice." The principle spoke but as he spoke I decided to watch Sona-chin.

"Hey Sona-chin didn't you say that you had a class of people you sent on missions for the school. So if I'm so dangerous and powerful why aren't i in your class?" He looked at me and sighed.

I still remember when we first met, he was the first person to talk to me after the incident with my parents. I know what he said to me wasn't meant to comfort me, it was meant to hurt me so he could use me, but in the end it helped me more than the glares everyone else gave me.

So after that it more or less ended with me following him every where for a week and eventually i annoyed him so much he just complied and became my friend i guess.

"Your not in my class because Narumi doesn't want you going on any missions." at that Sona looked completely irritated and was muttering something i couldn't hear.

"Can I go now? or am I getting any more punishments? Also can I have cake?" I said the whole sentence in a monotonous voice, fine i'll admit i was smirking by the end at everyones faces.

"You may go. You will not be punished further. No cake!" said the elementary school principal dude (cba to know his name😂!

"Thank you heres a lollipop." I said as i gave a lollipop to elementary principal and ran out of the room as fast as I could.

HAHAH!!!!!! Everyone must be in class learning whilst i was running having sooooo much fun!

"I HAVE FREEDOM!!!" I screamed as i ran down the corridor.

Suddenly a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into a classroom. I looked around and groaned.

MY LUCK IS AHMAZING *not sarcasm

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