Chapter 3: Gary arrives

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"Alola you guys!" Ash called out to his friends, while Pikachu jumped off his shoulder to their friends.

"Alola Ash!" His friends greeted back aswell. "How are you?" Lillie smiled. "It's great, seeing you all again" Ash grinned. "So what happened while i was gone anyways?" Ash was excited to hear all the stories while he was away for his journeys.

"I'll go first then" Lillie giggled, "Well I actually already found my dad, and Snowy also evolved into Ninetales" She smiled. "Woah, that's amazing!.. Is that Snowy over there?" Ash pointed towards the Snow Fox that had nine tails that was playing with Pikachu. "Yeah, it is" Ash gasped in amazement "So cool!"

"Well what about you guys?" Ash asked the others, "nothing much yet, tho Mallow has new recipes in her menu as usual" Kiawe replied, then Sophocles got hungry just hearing there were more food in Mallow's restaurant. "Now i'm hungryyy" Sophocles complained, the rest laughed. Soon Ash got hungry too, "Oops-" Everyone laughed.


"Alola everyone!" Professor Kukui greeted everyone. "Alola professor!"

"So today we have a new student/person joining us by today, you can come in now" Professor Kukui announced it and told the new student/person to come in.
The person was none other than... Gary Oak.

Ash's eyes widened when he saw Gary, he sinked in his seat and covered his face with his hat, hoping that Gary would'nt recognize him, sadly he did.

"Ah! Glad to see you again Ashy-boy" Gary smirked, while everyone (ex. Gary & Ash) was shocked, they did'nt expect the new student to know Ash. Ash groaned in annoyance. "Hey Gary.."

"Wow, i did'nt know you both knew each other! Well then, Gary why don't you introduce yourself to the rest?" Kukui said, Gary nodded.

"Greetings, the name's Gary, Gary Oak, the grandson of Professor Oak and is training to become a Pokemon Professor but for now, i'm just a researcher" Gary just looked at Ash, seeing he was not listening since he already knew.

"Woah! A pokemon researcher, that's so cool!" Sophocles complimented Gary, he smiled. Professor Kukui clapped his hands once, "okay okay, Gary you may sit down near... Ash since you already know him" Gary nodded and walked towards the seat near Ash.


"So Gary, since you are a friend of Ash, do you have any embarrassing secrets of Ash??" Sophocles asked Gary, grinning while Gary smirked. Ash is just talking with Lillie about Gladion (wondering why- LMAO)

"If you also have embarrassing secrets about Ash, no problem" Gary still smirking.

"Why not, you first" Gary shrugged, agreeing.

"well let's see.. what to even start with first" He asked himself, chuckling.

"i guess you have a lot" Sophocles grinned.

"So, when Ash was young, he literally peed his pants" Gary laughed at the memory. Sophocles also laughing.

"He literally did that??" Gary nodded. "Wait.. when he was young? So that means you guys are childhood friends??" 

"Hmm, guess so, he was such an idiot ever since"

"So you know everything?"

"Not really, something happened between us" Sophocles tilted his head in confusion, "Just a rivalry, no big deal" Sophocles shrugged.


im terribly sorry for this chapter being so shortt- I had no motivation to finish this chapter lol-

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