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Lia's pov:

we finished filming but we're going to Justin's house for my bday since it's friday and tomorrow we have a day break.

"Lia are you ready?" Chyler asked from outside of my trailer.

"Yeah i am just give me one sec to finish my homework." I said as i notice she's on the couch now.

"What is your homework about? Maybe i can help you." She said.

"Algebra, but i'm good i only have two numbers to do then i'm done!" I said smiling at her.

10 minutes later and i was done and we were walking to Chyler's car.

"Hey you know.. ur gonna stay with me for the week because i wanna have time with you but after, if everything is okay you'll go back to Caterina." She said to me.

"I want it to be okay with Caterina.. she makes me feel safe.. Not that you don't make me safe but i feel a lot better with her.. i cant explain it but she feels like a mother figure to me." I rambled, stressed about my conversation with Caterina later today.

"Hey it's gonna be okay.." Chyler said. I looked at her with tears in my eyes, scared that Caterina will change her mind and that she doesn't want me at all.

"Aw come here." Chyler said opening her arms.

We hugged for a good 2minutes for me to calm down.

"Everything is gonna be okay, I talked with Caterina and she was so worried about you going back to your mom. So i don't think she wouldn't want you back." Chyler said to me. Dammnn can she reads my mind?

"HEY ARE YOU A MIND READER OR WHAT??" I asked suddenly laughing. She laughs with me.

"Okay come on we need to go." She said since we were still on set.

We arrived at Justin's house and to my surprise, all the cast was there. Like when i say all i mean all.

they all jumped from their hiding spots and yelled "SURPRISEEEEE."

I started crying cause it was overwhelming. No one ever done that to me, a birthday party.

I couldn't breathe properly so i decided to go outside for a minute.

"Did we upset her?" Justin asked. "No it's just no one ever done that for her." Camilla said. "I hope she's gonna be okay." Jessica said. "I'm gonna go see her." Chyler said. "No let me, please." Caterina begged with almost tears in her eyes.

Caterina's pov:

I was almost crying how sad it was for Lia. Getting overwhelmed on her birthday because no one ever done that to her. I begged Chyler to let me go. "Yeah okay yeah sure." She said.

I ran outside to see Lia in the middle of the road trying to breathe.

"Hey hey hey sweetie hey it's me can you breathe for me?" I asked her. She shocked her head.

"Okay come here." I said pulling her out of the road since there was some cars coming.

"Sweetie, please breathe in and breathe out okay?" I asked running circles on her back, hugging her.

"Can you do that for me sweetheart?" I asked Lia.
She nodded her head against my chest.

"Just like that my love." I feel her breathe getting stable and her body relaxing as she realizes i was hugging her.

"I am so sorry i didn't mean to upset everyone by leaving or something." She said.

"Oh sweetie you didn't, we are all waiting for you now." I said wiping her tears, looking in her eyes.

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