𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝟒.

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I struggled through the thickets of the meadow and sprinted toward the forest with massive trees, vines and undergrowth and all things dead. I'd finally got there and, frankly, I was hesitant upon entering.

The entrance had been completely decorated with thick vines spread throughout the trees, with some corpse flowers sprouting from those very vines. I made sure to remember these distinct details in case I got lost.

"-C'mon Soliday. We're doing this because we love her."

It then dawned upon me that I needed ingredients for this potion to be made: dried petals of a specific species of flower, and a tube of honey. So, I began searching the grounds for the species of flower and hopefully an abandoned beehive.


I found the fairy foxglove coincidentally lying behind a fallen beehive. Luck was really on my side today.

When I gathered a few petals along with the honey, I stored them safely in my satchel, continuing my journey to the place. I'd been aware of how secretive I had to be, which people told me that maybe a hard thing for me to do, but I thought I'd manage. I couldn't possibly imagine what would happen to me if I got caught.

With that thought in mind, I sighed, "I'm really doing this, ey?" 

Being a visitor in Tartarus, wasn't the best thing that could happen to anyone. I wouldn't even put my greatest foe through this by sending them here. The monstrous insects that passed me by, the eerie sounds that gradually erupted within the bushes to the darkness covering this place, made my experience all the more terrifying. I badly wanted to curl up in a ball and let every living thing in this place consume me all at once.

As I continued to explore, those strange noises presented themselves even more and increased as I got deeper into the forest, making my anxiety follow along after.

Just then, there was a sudden rustle in the bushes and that was enough to have me make a run for it, screaming along the way. Seemed like I'd be inviting all kinds of beasts in the woods now.

After figuring I'd run a pretty good distance and was deep in this place, I rested. I bent over to place my hands onto my knees and panted heavily as tiny sweat droplets streamed down my face. I nearly just died in here.

It'd only been 4 minutes.

Once I felt my heartbeats regulate and my heavy breaths becoming light, I looked upwards in hopes of what I'd thought would be the sky, were trees that dwarfed everything around them. Through loud wheezing, I managed to curse Arthur and his beautiful curly hair and tempting eyes.


A deep voice behind me whispered into my ear, increasing my heart rate once more, causing me to flinch with a leap.

I caught myself and lashed out, "For god's sake! I literally had a near-death experience, and I'm certainly not asking for another one!"

The unknown voice snickered,"Sorry." 

Their reply didn't seem too sincere, sarcastic almost. I hadn't seen who attempted to give me another heart failure, and it didn't seem like I recognized them either. And so, I promptly changed my direction and prepared myself to scold the person who dared to put my life in danger once again, but I'd been completely stunned by what I saw, eyes bulging at their appearance.

"A-An imp?"

The individual scoffed with folded arms.

"Yeah? What about it?" 

The creature was surprisingly clothed and had no stout horns protruding its forehead, no sight of claws attached to his feet nor hands like the ones depicted in stories. Only dark, yet transparent wings sticking out from behind. Although, what I found to be weird was that their face resembled that of a regular being, like myself, but also a cat.

𝓣𝓻𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬 𝓜𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬 | jeon_bootxWhere stories live. Discover now