𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝟕.

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"This should be nice and cozy for ya", The guard snickered, "Don't die too quickly on me, now. I've got plans just for you."

Momentarily, he snatched the torch I was clutching onto and before parting ways, he winked at me and smirked as he dematerialized into the abyss like he was some nightwalker. His change in demeanour immediately sent chills throughout my entire body as for someone younger than me, I found him incredibly intimidating.

Shortly, I felt rough and scaly hands harshly grab me by the arms and thrust me into a room. I crashed me to crash onto the ground and grazed my arms on impact.

'Ah' I reluctantly opened my eyes and was met with pitch-blackness. I figured my eyes hadn't readjusted to shadows.

In spite of that, I heard deep bellows in the vicinity of where I was sitting. I screeched in response and retreated further into the cell, disregarding the fact that I couldn't see what was behind me.

I assumed the golems had already left, as I heard what seemed like a door was being locked. Frozen in fear, I tried regulating my heartbeat and heard the creatures scurrying to catch up with the guard. The sounds of their footsteps softened as they vanished, echoing within the dungeon. Eventually, the unsettling stillness revisited as if to allude me to the fact that I was going to be alone.

✧ ★,:*:☆ :*:★,

I felt like a trapped bird who'd foolishly stumbled upon the wrong seed; I was stripped of my freedom with nothing other than darkness to call my friend. My satchel was taken, I had been deprived of the only 'bright' source of light. Plus, I was locked in a confined space and the dead air eventually penetrated my brain, trapping me with my own thoughts. I was overwhelmed, confused and mortified.

Sighing in defeat, I tightly gripped the bars of the cell, praying and yearning that Ares would miraculously stumble upon me and get me out of here.

'Who am I kidding?', I scoffed in thought. I doubt he'd risk his life for his own mother if it meant saving himself.

'I can't believe you got yourself into this situation. You had one job. Just one. Sneak into Tartarus, find the damn genie, get the potion and get out. Was that so hard?!', I internally condemned myself, 'Now you're stuck in here by yourself, no one to talk to, absolutely nothing to see or eat. And for what? Love?'


I grew aggravated, face-palming myself as I reflected on the tribulations I cleared that lead me here. However, through those thoughts, I suddenly saw her face. I quickly retracted my thought, without realizing I was grinning like a hopeless romantic.

'Yet funnily enough, you're worth all of this trouble'

Ironically, envisioning Ena's face was like a switch that needed to be flicked on in order for me to develop a plan immediately if I wanted to escape.

'C'mon, man. Find yourself a way outta here before you become someone's lunch'

"Think! Sully, think!", I voiced aloud.

I released my grip from the bars and took a step back and began pacing back and forth, so I could visualize some sort of idea. Shortly after realizing that no solutions were coming to mind, I exhaled deeply and sank to the floor. I felt hopeless as I figured that this would be the end. Not the ending I would've hoped for, but probably the one I deserved.

I found it humorous how this place never failed to humble me and help me reconsider some serious life evaluation. Once more, it made me come to my senses and recognize how conniving I was being. To myself and to her. In using this potion, I would've forced my best friend to develop romantic feelings for me. I wanted her love, yes, but the authentic and raw kind. I wanted her to believe that I loved her, not trick her into thinking that she loved me. That's unfair to her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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