Chapter 4

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No one's POV

When Jiminie, Taehyungie and Yoongi got to the cafeteria Taehyungie went to get her friend Hoseokie.

"Hobie I want to tell you something?" Taehyungie said and sat down in front of Hoseokie.

"What do want to tell me taetae?" Hoseokie said in a gentle mother voice while looking at taetae.

"I made two friends!" Taehyungie said and a happy voice.

"I am happy for you taetae and who are they?" Hoseokie said while looking at taetae as if she was her daughter.

"It's Jiminie and Yoongi they are my friends. And they said to tell you that if you want to sit with there friends?" Taehyungie said and happy looking at her mother figure.

"Sure I would love to sit over there with your new friends taetae." Hoseokie said in her happy voice.

"Okay let go to the table." Taehyungie said and got up with Hoseokie behind her.

*Meanwhile with the group*

"We will be having two girls at our table please don't look at them if they are crazy please." Jiminie and Yoongi said in a serious voice.

"Okay and who are they hyung?" Jinnie said.

"It's Hoseokie and Taehyungie." Yoongi said to Jinnie.

"Okay" Namjoon, Jinnie, Jungkook and Jackson said at the same time while Jiminie and Yoongi just smiled waiting for Hoseokie and Taehyungie to come to the table.

*End of the group talk*

Taehyungie and Hoseokie where walking to go get food when taehyungie accidentally bummed into someone.

"I am so s-sorry." Taehyungie said and went down on her knees to pick the stuff she bummed out of the the person hands.

"It's okay." The person said.

Then when Taehyungie was done picking the stuff she gave it to the person in front of her. When taehyungie looked at the person that someone was already looking at her straight in the eyes.

"Thank you for picking up my things Taehyungie." It was the school trickster who was about to go get lunch with his brothers and cousins.

"N-no p-problem Kris" Taehyungie said looking down trying to run away.

"Hey why are stuttering" Kris said worried about her because he didn't really want to do anything bad today.

"N-nothing" Taehyungie said about to run away. But Kris got Taehyungie in time by hugging her.

"Hey I wasn't going to any thing I just want a brother, cousin and friends day taehyungie, and It looked like you really needed a hug." Kris said and hugged taehyungie while Taehyungie was crying because no one really pay attention her only Hoseokie.

"Hey don't cry Taehyungie did I do something wrong." Kris said worried about if he did something to taehyungie.

"N-no i-i j-just d-don't g-get a-attention f-from o-other p-people." Taehyungie said wiping her tears on Kris shirt.

"Taehyungie you scared me for second I thought I did something. Ohhh well guess what now you will get attention from me and my brothers and cousins and friends." Kris said and tickled taehyungie side for scarying him.

"Hahahaha stop that tickles" Taehyungie said trying to stop Kris from tickling her so she hugged him hard.

"Okay okay taehyungie I stopped" Kris said and hugged her too but they didn't know that the whole cafeteria was looking at both them confused because Kris Wu is a trickster at school but there was someone looking at Taehyungie in jealousy.

"What are you guys looking at huh" Kris said and every one got back to what they where doing.

"Taehyungie do you want to hang out tomorrow with us in my secret hideout." Kris said trying to have some free time with someone new.

"Sure why not" Taehyungie said and showed her famous smile that made everyone fall for her.

"Awwwww you have the beautiful smile ever." Kris said and hugged taehyungie more.

"I can't breathe" Taehyungie said and Kris let go.

"Sorry" Kris said

"You are fine Kris well see you tomorrow" Taehyungie said and was about to leave to get lunch and go with her new friends.

"Where are you going" Kris said.

"Ohhh I am going over there where Jiminie, Yoongi, Jinnie, Namjoon and Jackson and Jungkook are." Taehyungie said and smiled.

"Ohhh okay well see you tomorrow Taehyungie." Kris said and smiled at her and hugged her and left with his brothers and cousins and also Taehyungie left with her friend Hoseokie.

"What just happened Taehyungie?" Hoseokie said confused what is happening today.

"I don't know" Taehyungie said also confused but didn't really think about it.

"Let just go get our lunch and go with my new friends." Taehyungie said and got inside the place where you get your food (sorry I forgot how you call that).

"Can you pay for my food Hobie I will pay you when I find a job or my father." Taehyungie said.

"How many time do I need to tell you I will always be there for you taetae." Hoseokie said and payed for her food and Taehyungie food and left to go with Taehyungie new friends.

When Taehyungie was about to get there she had to go the restroom so she gave her food to Hoseokie and said.

"I have to go to the restroom can you please take my food to the table let and tell them I am in the restroom please Hobie." Taehyungie said and Hoseokie said.

"Fine but if you don't come from for about 7 minute I will come and fine you is that clear." Hoseokie said and Taehyungie nodded her head and left to the restroom while Hoseokie went to the table.

"Hello" Hoseokie said and Jiminie and Jinnie looked at her and smiled.

"You are Hoseokie right nice to meet you my name is Jinnie and this Jiminie." Jinnie said and everyone looked at Hoseokie so jinnie noticed that she was uncomfortable with the looks someone was giving her.

"Guys introduce yourself." Jinnie said and they listened.

"Hey my name is Park Jiminie." Jiminie said.

"My name is Min Yoongi." Yoongi said.

"Hey my name is Kim Namjoon nice to meet you." Namjoon said.

"My name is Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook said.

"My name is Jackson wang nice to meet you Ms. Jung Hoseokie." Jackson said and looked at her in the eyes when Hoseokie meet his eyes she looked down with a small blush.

"Nice to meet you guys" Hoseokie said nervous.

"Here sit by Jackson is that fine with you." Jiminie said.

"Yes that fine thank you Jiminie." Hoseokie said and sat down and she was going to ask  something when she heard a voice.

"Where's your friend Taehyungie." Jungkook said.

"She in the restroom and I told her if she doesn't come in about 7 minutes I will have to go." Hoseokie said.

"Has it been 7 minutes." Hoseokie asked.

"No it been 20 minutes since you got hear" Namjoon said looking at his watch.

"What I didn't feel like 20 minutes!!!" Hoseokie said panicked.

"Please can you please wait here." Hoseokie said left but didn't noticed that Jinnie and Jiminie where behind her.

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