Chapter 6

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When they saw who it was they where shocked........ it was Park Kris Wu.

" What happened why is there a lot of blood on the floor!" Kris said trying to catch his breath because he came running to the girls restroom why you may ask because he saw the girls running to the restroom in a hurry that he was worried that something happened to one of them.

"It Taehyungie she how do I say this she passed out because she cuts herself! " Hoesokie said trying not to say to much to a unknown person that she don't.

"WHAT!" Kris said super loud.

"Mochi we need to hurry and take her to the nurse because she is losing to much blood now!!!" Kris said.

"Okay 사촌 (sachon) let hurry or something bad might happen to her." Jiminie said to her cousin nobody really knows there related (cousins).

"Here let me carry her to the nurse so you guys don't have to worry okay." Kris said and took her to the nurse meanwhile the 3 girls are running behind Kris and Tae.

3rd person P.O.V

Kris made it to the nurses office with the girls behind him and he placed her in one of the bed and called the nurse and the nurse didn't know what to do cause she never deals with stuff like this so she ran to phone and called the ambulance.

"What are they are going to do with her do you know?" Kris said worried about someone he can't really talk about cause of her family drama.

"I don't know i already cleaned her wound and bandaged it and also the ambulance is going come in any seconds cause i know who her parents are and they don't really care about her." The nurse said looking down cause she know who Taehyungie parents are or should i say how she would describe them cruel to this world cause a couple weeks ago tae came in the nurse  office for a bandage and she wanted to help her clean it and they started talking and since nurses have to call parents in to take there children for any inquires that involve any type of deep cut. They came and they looked dirty but clean at the same time and when they came to take taehyungie they grabbed her brutally and basically dragged her and since the nurse couldn't get involve in anything cause is not her business.

"How do you know her parents?" Kris said curiously.

"Oh I can't say anything unless she wants to but either other way i wouldn't be able to cause it's personal problems I'm really sorry." The nurse said.

"It's okay I understand what you mean." Kris said and went to were the girls were and Jiminie was still crying cause she doesn't really know that much about her cousin only that she has abusive parents.

"She will be okay just stay calm and we need to leave cause the others might be worried and might be looking for us and were we are and Hoseokie i think you might need to come with us cause the ambulance might come in any seconds we can go visit her at the hospital when school finish." Kris said to the girls.

"Yours right." the girls said.

"Yeah lets go the ambulance is here we can leave it to them they know what they are doing." Kris said and the girls left with them and saw the group of friend walking were the commotion was happening and Jungkook wasn't there cause he was looking for taehyungie and he missed the part were they were taking her inside of the ambulance.

"What happened?" The whole group said worried cause they saw Taehyungie being taken by the ambulance.

"Ummm I don't know if i can tell you guys so ill let Hoseokie tell you." Jiminie said cause she didn't know how to say it.

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