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AN; this is sort of a songfic i guess. i found a new song and instantly thought of this idea and him. this is a gender neutral one-shot💟


normans pov!

baby, be patient for me.
i wanted y/n to be patient for me. i could tell they wanted to rush on with their life, as they were only 11 and were already thinking of colleges and stuff of the sort.

they wanted to grow up fast, with us. they wanted all of us to grow up by their side, being there with them every step of the way. but, it was merely impossible for that to happen. with the way shipments are, and how they have been recently, one of us is being shipped out soon.

i wanted to put myself before any of them, if any of us deserve to live out their life it's them. they were looking forward to it so much and i simply didn't want any sort of disappointment. i want them to be happy and i want emma and ray to be there with them to do it.

please don't fall in love with someone new.
once y/n realized i was planning on shipping myself out, in other words refuse anyone else the right of volunteering to ship themselves out for their plan to work, they started detaching themselves from me.

they realized i wasn't going to bend on it, and i wasn't going to put up with arguments over it.

they got closer to ray. now, of course, y/n and i weren't officially dating. but with how we acted, most children were smart enough to realize we liked each other and at times, we even acted as a couple.

it stung, i will admit, seeing them with ray. ray started cracking smiles, talking more. he wasn't always reading anymore, he'd play a few games of tag here and there. he wasn't always deadpanning, or always talking with so much monotone. the two were all of a sudden, best friends.

they kept their hold on me, kept me close. closer than ray, but i could see that ray was starting to get how i was when i first liked them.

i had a feeling they'd fall in love after escaping, what with them always being so close and at that point, i wouldn't be there to make her happy anymore. so i can only hope he can do it just as much as i have.

i promise one day,
the night i left, i could tell they weren't ready by the look on their face. by the look in their eyes, i knew that hadn't excepted what was coming.

i grabbed their face, cupping it gently and stared them in the eyes. they looked everywhere but at me, i can only assume they couldn't look me in the eyes in that moment, for they too could tell they weren't ready.

their pretty e/c eyes landed on my suitcase and tears pricked at them. i hugged them, tightly. we stayed like that for a good bit, not moving. y/n knew if they let go, i'd have to leave.

my last words to them before going to the gate with mom, was a promise.

"i promise one day i'll be back. i won't let you go that easily, i'll get to you somehow"

i spoke softly and then kissed their head. in our last moment alone, they stood staring at me. not knowing what to do.

their mouth opened and closed multiple times, trying to find the words to say. once they finally found the words, their voice wavered with almost every word they said.

"i'm saying goodbye now. i'll be in the library with ray when you leave, if i look at you then i'll do something stupid."

they smiled sadly and walked past me, gently brushing my arm as they walked out the door. i looked back after a few minutes to see them walking down the hall with their head hung low.

3rd person pov!

i'll come back for you.
it had been around a year since the fifteen older kids escaped from grace field, leaving the younger ones safe with phil.

norman heard all about it, and he was proud, to say the least. the realization set in that they actually made it out and the kids were free to live their life openly and his eyes closed, a warm smile on his face.

eventually norman met y/n again, keeping his promise to come back to get them.

but this time, y/n was older, taller. not too much had changed.

y/n hugged him, getting that same feeling in their chest they had that year ago. they were scared that if they let go, he'd be gone.

normans body was first tense, hoping they wouldn't be upset with him for staying away so long. but then he relaxed and wrapped them in a tight, warm embrace. eventually emma and ray made their way over, joining the hug also.

y/n looked up at norman, their eyes searching his face for any signs that he's fake. when they found none, they sighed happily. out of nowhere, a smack landed on normans cheek.

norman held his cheek, smiling as ray fussed at him for everything. the four stood there, none of them having the intention to let go any time soon.

"i kept my promise, i came back for you." norman whispered lowly, only to where y/n could hear him. they pinched his side and a satisfied smile settled on both of their faces.

AN; sorry if this is messy, i needed to post and i also need to sleep. it's 3:30, i have to get up at 4:30. i have this really angering feeling in my chest that this is awful, but i'm not going to rewrite it so i'm sorry. i love you guys <3

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