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After my day work in school, I'm back home. My training begins today. I already prepared my mind that I am going to vent my anger in the training. I really don't get why I do have feelings for those much older than me. The last time I gave in to my feelings I became the shadow of myself, now that I'm trying to get my life back together I'm beginning to have feelings for another older man, not just any man my teacher.

I didn't even bother with the food my mum left for me, I went straight to my bedroom  to clean up and wear my training clothes.

I called my brother to come pick me up, he sounds surprised, it not up to half an hour since I got home and I'm ready to train. He told me he will be here in the next ten minutes.

To wheel away time while I wait for him to come, I begin to switch through channels without any aim of watching any.

"Bree are you there"? The voice of my brother asked as he stepped into the house. Turning off the television and pick up my training bag beside my leg.

"There is no need to further step into the hostel, because I'm ready to leave". I said going towards the door. My brother stands at the entrance jaw slack, but he knew not to ask about my cranky behaviour. He turned and head back to his car.

We drove in silence. Jasper begins to tap his fingers on the steering as he hum a chirstmas song. I look at him with my side eyes, expecting him to stop, but he increased his hum, changing from one musical part to another, he is beginning to piss we off with that.We are not even in  Christmas season.

"Jasper, could you please tone it down, I'm trying as much as possible not to flare up". He looked at me as he gave me a sly look before turning his attention back to the road.

"I actually don't know what got you stucked up, but I'm here if you ever need me". He said

"Yeah I think I need you help", I said he looked at me quite shocked that I took note of his word, thinking I'm ready to say what is bothering me.

"What is it"? He asked smiling at me.

"You could help me by stepping on the damn gas, so we could get there faster". Yh I know he wasn't expecting that, he look thrived with shocked.

"If you want that". He said has he stepped on the acceleration paddle. That much like it I thought, I can't wait to burn off the angry in me.

Jasper pull over in the same pack house Ruben took me to, but instead of going through the front door, we went round the house, I spot a brown gate attached with the wall at the back of the house.

The gate is wide open, looking through it. It looks like a Jungle. Is Jasper for real, are we training inside a Jungle.

"Huh, Jasper, is this where we are training"? I asked, still look at the forest before me. In as much as I want to train, I don't want to get killed by a wild animal or get bitten by a poisonous snack. He nod his head and step into the gate. Taking a deep breath I followed behind him.

Walking through the only path in between bushes, I wonder why Dora didn't show me this part of the pack house when she took me on a tour. Sounds of humans grunt begins to fill my ear, we moved close to what I assumed to be the training ground.

"Here we are". Jasper says, I come face to face with what look like a fighting arena just like a stadium, with different fighting weapons arranged at the center, people sparing each other with fist, swords, knife, dagger, staff, weapons in general. I didn't miss the part where some people are learning how to shoot an arrow. It looked like ancient settings.

"Do you have guns"? I asked, my brother looked at me as if I am crazy. "What"? I asked again.

"Seeing all of these the first thing that came to you mind is asking if we had guns"? He ask as he made a tsk sounds with his tongue.

"What, is there any rules that says I can't ask this question first"? I asked folding my arm under my breast. Scoffing at me he replied.

"Yes we do have guns". Perfect I thought.

"You could probably teach me how to shoot a gun after we spare". I said, has I looked at the whole arena in awe.

"Maybe we could spare together". A female voice that I have gotten used to over the week said.

"Dora". I said shock about a sudden appearance, I never knew she would be here, but I'm not surprised she is here since she lives not far from this place.

"Who knew I would be meeting you here". I said, she smiled at me before turning her attention to my brother. They exchanged pleasantries.

"I guess you wouldn't have to vent your angry on me after all". I scoffed at my brother before turning my attention to Dora.

"What do you mean by angry". Dora asked.

"I guess you will, have to find out your self, but my advice is that you wouldn't want to spare with her if she is in that mood". Jasper said. Dora looked so confused, I pity her. I remember when I got angry at my mum the only thing I could do is to fight, it either I spare with Jasper if is at home or I box in the gym.

Jasper, Dora and I, moved further into the center of the arena.

"Get into positions". Jasper's voice became harden, play time is over. I shake my limbs, jogged on a spot, cracking all my stiff muscles as I prepared to fight. Putting on my pad to guard my knuckles.

We both got into position and begin to move in circles waiting for who to attack first.

"Are you two going to keep wait for who to attack first, on the count of three attack at the same time" Jasper said with venom lacing his word.

"1, 2, attack". He shouted. I thought he said on the count of three, before I could dwell on my thought Dora charge at me, regain my control I also move forward.

We kept punching and defending, we haven't had a hit on each other, I'm beginning to get frustrated, because I'm yet to land any hit on her.

" Don't let your emotions rule you, fight with your head not your feelings" Jasper's voice boom as he circles round us. I tried to keep my frustration in cheek, a punch landed on my jaw.

"Whenever you see an opening make use of it, so you have to keep your eyes on every move your opponent makes". Jasper keeps shouting out fighting tactic.

The punch Dora threw at me hurt like bitch, I won't let her derive the satisfaction of hitting me. Still defending the punches she is throwing at me, I quietly had her glimpse of her stand. Before she could raise her hand to punch me, I put my leg forward hitting the side of her leg. Her steps falter before she could regain her composure I throw a punch to her jaw, which made her lose balance, has she is trys not to fall, I rake her leg which made her fall. I ran to her fallen body, kicked the side of her her body while she keeps rolling away to avoid the hit from me.

"Enough". Jasper said. I withdraw my feet from kicking her, as I stretched my hands to help her up, accepting my hand I dragged her up.

"I'm sure you both know your mistakes and Dora I was expecting you to beat my sister hands down". Dora couldn't say anything she just had her heads bow down.

"Let move to the gun stand let me teach you how it works".

Author note
Hey sorry this updated is coming latter, my exams are fast approaching, I will be starting my exam next week and I had to read. The good thing is I'm about to go home so my update will be consistent, Wednesday and Sunday, bear with me.

Next update: I will let you know.

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