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It took Uraraka around 20 seconds to process what just happened.

She just killed someone.

"What am I going to do now?!" she panicked.

"I will never become a pro hero now!"

She stared at the man's body thinking of what could she possibly do.

"Maybe I can somehow hide it?"

She slapped herself both mentally and physically.

"What the actual fuck are you thinking, Ochako?!"

Uraraka stood motionless.

"Why the hell am I cussing so much?" she just couldn't believe what was happening.

"I know! All of this isn't real! It's just a dream, right? A bad dream...very bad dream, a nightmare! Problem solved." she tried to convince herself.

"Silly Ochako-chan! None of this is dream, it's real!"

Uraraka froze.

She could recognize that voice anywhere.


"Yay! Ochako-chan remembers my name!" Toga said and started jumping up and down enthusiastically.

"What are you doing here? Are you following me?!"

"Maybe. Maybe not."

"Why?! You tried to kill me and my best friend!"

"That isn't important. We have a problem. Turn around."

Uraraka turned around carefully. She saw a man's dead body, the one's she just killed.

"That isn't your problem. It's mine. That's the body of the man I..." she couldn't finish the sentence.

"I know. I saw everything from the building. He deserved it." said Toga with pure disgust.

"Why didn't you help then if you saw me in trouble? Oh, right! Because you're a cold blooded killer!" she yelled at Toga.

"I'm...not..." Toga looked honestly hurt.

Uraraka felt guilty for screaming at her so she decided to apologize. Just as she wanted to say sorry, Toga interrupted her.

"I can help you with the body. Think! We're surrounded by tall buildings. He looks like he fell off one! So, suicide!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"We just have to take off his shoes and place them at the top of the building! Then it would look like a suicide!"

"You want to help me cover up a murder?!" Uraraka looked really shocked.

"Mhm! Oh, please, Ochako-chan, please!" Toga started jumping up and down again.

"Absolutely not, Himiko! I'm a hero in training and you're a villain. I shouldn't even be talking to you right now."

"Don't be such a party breaker, Ochako-chan!" Toga said provokingly.

"I said no! This isn't fun, Himiko! You a villain, offered to help me, a hero in training to cover up murder I accidentally committed! This is ridiculous! Why are you even trying to help me?"

Toga was quiet. She then decided to say something.

"Look at it this way, Ochako-chan. If you surrender to the police you will never become a pro hero and I will probably end up in jail since you would betray me."

Uraraka felt guilty, exactly what Toga wanted. She smirked.

"But, if you let me help you, then you can become a pro hero and I wouldn't be in jail because you can't say anything since I helped you! So, what do you say? Deal?" Toga said and offered her hand.

"You know what? Deal." Uraraka responded while shaking hands with Toga.


Toga run up to the man's body and took his shoes off. Uraraka then floated her up on top of the building and Toga left man's stinky shoes up there.

Uraraka floated Toga down, while Toga was happily giggling.

"I can't believe I'm saying this. Thank you...Himiko." Uraraka thanked her while blushing from embarrassment.

"No problem, Ochako-chan!" Toga said. She then run up to Uraraka and hugged her. "It was fun today but I have to go now. See you tomorrow, Ochako-chan!"

"Yeah...see you tomorrow I guess..." Uraraka whispered quietly while Toga was already far away from her.

"I should finally go now, mom is probably sick worried." Uraraka turned around and headed home.

When she got there, she was greeted by various questions. "Where were you?! I was so worried! Don't do that again, okay? I'm glad you're safe now." her mom exaggerated while hugging her.

"Well, I was with friend, like I said in the morning."

"Was it nice?"

"You could say."

"Did you find some new friends maybe?" her mom asked with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah...I probably did..." responded Uraraka with the most precious smile in the world.

"I definitely did."

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