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"Ochako-chan! Wakey, wakey! You will be late for school~"

Uraraka fell out of her bed. She forgot she joined the League. Not really tho, but still.

"Don't do that, Himiko!" said Uraraka annoyed.

She got up, went to bathroom, brushed her teeth, put on school uniform, greeted Kurogiri who made her toast for breakfast and headed to school while eating toast.

Toga already explained to League that Uraraka is U.A traitor and she goes to hero school just so she can steal some information. What a great lie.

When Uraraka arrived to school, she sighed. "Everything will be alright!" she said to herself and went in.

On the way to her class, Tsuyu, Deku and her other friend, Iida, approached her. They entered the classroom together.

Their homeroom teacher was a pro hero, Eraserhead, more known as Aizawa Shouta or just Mr. Aizawa.

"Okay class, today you're going to find yourself a partner and together you're gonna make a power point presentation on the most famous villains that ever existed."

Everyone was excited about this project. But not Uraraka. She was basically a villain and U.A. traitor now, and she felt extremely guilty because of it.

"You'll have to endure this, it's your own fault. You wanted to be friends with a villain and this is what you get." she said to herself quietly so no one can hear her.

She ended up being partners with Tsuyu, like always. They were best friends after all. Best friends tell each other everything...but she was not sure if she could tell her anything about Toga.

The end of the day finally came and she headed to the League's hideout. She made sure no one follows her.

"Ah, right on time pink cheeks." said Shigaraki. "Now that all members of the League are here, I want to ask you some questions."

"Questions, such as?"

"Why do you actually go to U.A?"

"I'll be honest. First I wanted to become a hero just so I could help my family and earn money. But I realized that I can also earn money as a villain, just illegally. So here I am." she responds.

"Interesting I must say. Since you're a villain, you must've killed someone, right? How many people have you killed?"

"I killed just one person..."

"Rookie numbers but it's acceptable." says Dabi.

"Who do you think you are to say if something is acceptable or not? I'm the boss here." Shigaraki yelled at him.

"God, you're so childish."

"Your mom is childish."

"Fuck you."

"Yes, Dabi, tell him! No, don't tell him!" Twice was arguing with himself.

"What a mess, I like it!" screamed Toga while jumping up and down.

"Stop jumping like an idiot, you psycho woman."

"Oh, oh, stop being an idiot, you fried bacon! Beat this one!"

"Hey! Don't say rude things to Toga! Say them!"

"Hey everyone, watch this."

"We're tired of your little shows, Mr. Compress."

"And I'm tired of your shitty behavior, Dabi."

"Is here always this chaotic?" asks Uraraka.

"You've seen nothing!" says Toga.

"And why are you quiet, Kurogiri? Do something about them."

"Hey, I'm just sitting and observing while drinking the wine."

Uraraka dragged Toga to her room. "I have to tell you something. When my parents come back, I want to stay in the League."

"Is...it because of this now?"

"No, it's just, I want to spend more time with you...and I like it here so why not. Can I?"

"Technically, you did join so yeah, you can, Ochako-chan!"

"Really? Thank you Himiko!" she hugged Toga who was giggling and blushing like an idiot.

"She's the most precious being in the whole world." thought Toga to herself.

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