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It was 10 in the morning and Uraraka just woke up. It was Saturday. She didn't have school today, meaning, she had all day just for herself.

She got out of bed, changed into comfortable clothes and left her room just to be greeted by her parents in the kitchen.

"Good morning Ochako, sweetie."

"Good morning mom, good morning dad."

Her mom approached her and gave her a kiss on a forehead.

"It's a beautiful day today, why don't you go out with your friends?" her dad asked.

"I was planning to actually! But thanks for the idea anyway." said Uraraka while leaving the kitchen.

She went upstairs in toilet, brushed her teeth, changed into a pink crop top and white shorts and left the house.

"I forgot to eat breakfast." she thought to herself while walking towards the house of her best friend, Tsuyu.

When she arrived, she rang on the door waiting patiently for someone to open.

After a while, Tsuyu opened the door.

"What are you doing here, Ochako-chan? *kero*" asked Tsuyu as she saw Uraraka standing in front of her.

"Nice to see you too, Asui. I was just wondering if you'd like to hangout today?"

"I'll be right back." she said while going back inside the house, probably to ask her parents.

"Alright, count me in. *kero*"

"Awesome! I'll give you 20 minutes, hurry up and take some money."

Twenty minutes passed quickly and Tsuyu was ready just in time.

She decided to start a conversation.

"By the way, I didn't eat breakfast."

"Guess what? Nor did I. That's why I told you to bring some money. We'll find a good restaurant and eat there." responded Uraraka.

"Alright, boss." mocked Tsuyu.

"Just so you know, you're paying. That's what you get for mocking me."

"I always pay anyways."

They both started laughing.

Just as they were getting tired of walking, Uraraka saw a restaurant. "Here, follow me." she said and Tsuyu followed her inside.

It took them a while to decide what to order. After five minutes of debating they finally decided.

Food came faster than usually. They weren't complaining. Since both of them were very hungry, they finished with eating in less than 10 minutes.

Tsuyu payed the bill and the two girls left the restaurant. Their next destination was, as expected, shopping center.

The rest of the day was not overly interesting, they just went from one store to another.

It was already 8 PM when they finished with a hangout. Tsuyu went to her house and Uraraka to hers since it started to darken.

On her way home, Uraraka had to walk past a dark alley. She hated that place.

Out of nowhere, a man's hand grabbed her for her shoulder.

Her heart dropped to floor. He did it so unexpectedly and caught her unprepared. Uraraka could tell the man was drunk, she concluded that by his breath.

"Hello, young lady." said a drunkard. "Would you like to come with me to my house? We will have fun if you do." He winked at her.

Uraraka did not like that. "I'm sorry sir, but I'll have to refuse. I was just going home and I don't want my parents to worry."

"Oh, aren't you a good girl? I bet you wouldn't be that much of a good girl in my bed, what ya think?"

"Sir, I would be really thankful if you would please let me go and stopped harassing me. My mom is probably already worried about me." she said as she already started panicking.

"No, no, you're coming with me. We're gonna have a lot of fun tonight."

He tried to pin her down but she kicked him in the stomach and twisted his arm. Gunhead Martial Arts have really proved useful.

While man was whining in pain, she took that as a chance to get away from there. Unluckily for her, a man recovered quickly and started chasing her.

He was quite fast so he reached her easily. She realized she can't escape him. The only thing she could do now is fight.

"I'll use my quirk on him." she thought to herself as she started running towards the man.

Just as she was getting ready to attack, a drunkard ran towards her. He threw himself at her.

"Big mistake." Uraraka thought while smirking. She managed to touch his leg and float him far into the sky.

A drunkard felt helpless. The only thing he could do is float and breathe.

Uraraka was furious at the man. In a rush of adrenaline, she didn't even realize she dropped him from a height of 30 meters, leading him straight into his death.

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