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"Ochako, sweetie, come down here!"


Uraraka came downstairs. "What did you want, dad?"

"You won't believe this. Do you remember my coworker, his name was Keiichi?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"He committed suicide few days ago, around 8 PM."

Uraraka's heart was racing like crazy. It means Toga's plan worked.

She slapped herself mentally.

"Oh...that's sad."

"Pretty sad. Your mother and I will go to his funeral and we will be away for 3 days."

"So, I will be all alone?"

"I'd rather you go over to your friend's house and stay there, but you can stay here alone too if you want. You're responsible enough to take care of yourself."

"Okay, thanks dad!" she said while kissing him on a cheek.

"Stay over to my friend's house, huh? Maybe Toga- no. You're not even friends. Maybe. However, I don't know where she lives. I mean she lives at the League's hideout...but I don't know where's that anyway, so no." Uraraka talked to herself.

"Maybe I'll ask her...no. Why am I thinking about Toga so much? I don't want to end up obsessed over her like she is over me."

She paused for a moment. "She's...Toga...is obsessed with me?" Uraraka was a fucking tomato. She never blushed so hard in her life.

Mental slap will fix the situation.

Uraraka looked at the time. It was 11 AM. Since she was already out of her pyjamas, she decided to go for a walk.

She wanted to see Toga, but would never admit to it. "I hope Toga thinks the way I do."

"Okay, I'm going to a dark alley just to see if they removed the body, not because I'm hoping Toga would be there."

Toga was sitting on the street. "Thank God." thought Uraraka to herself.

"So we have the same mind, Ochako-chan! I knew we were gonna meet again!"

"Can we get out of here? And can you give me your phone number? I want to meet up like normal friends, not international spies." asked Uraraka.

"Oh, so you want to be friends with a villain? That's not very hero like!" mocked Toga. "C'mon, let's go to a park."

A park was near dark alley so they arrived there for less than 4 minutes.

They sat on a bench. "Here's my phone number, Ochako-chan!"


"What's the matter? You look sad."

"It's just that...I'm a hero, and it feels so wrong hanging out with a villain." said Uraraka with a sad look.


"No, it's okay. I don't mind being with you. I don't know why, but I just enjoy your presence."

Toga was blushing like crazy. "That's so nice to hear!!!"

"Heh. Also...I wanted to tell you something."

"Go on."

"Thank you for yesterday, your plan actually worked...but that man was my dad's coworker and now both of my parents have to go on his funeral so I have nowhere to stay..."

"Ochako-chan. Look at me." Uraraka looked at Toga who was giggling like an idiot. "You can come over to our hideout!"

Uraraka didn't expect that. "Wait so...you don't fear I will expose your hideout and you actually believe me?" she asked curiously.

"Of course I believe you! And even if you expose our hideout, we can always kill you!" Uraraka shivered.

"Thank you, I guess. I won't tell anyone, I promise."

"I knew I could believe you, Ochako-chan!" Toga leant in and kissed Uraraka on cheeks.

Uraraka was a blushing mess. She didn't know why, but she liked that. Could it possibly be...she likes Toga? No. She likes Deku, right? Besides, Toga and her are both girls. Society doesn't like heroes who are members of the LGBT+ community.

She shrugged it off and headed with Toga to their hideout.

"Since we can't bring non-villains here, just act like you want to join the League, okay?"

"Alright...how possibly hard that could be?"

Toga knocked on the door. After a few moments, the door opened. They went inside.

"And who might you be?" asked Shigaraki.

"She wanted to join the League of Villains, Shiggy!"

"Is that true, pink cheeks?"

"Mhm!" nodded Uraraka like her life depended on it.

"Alright. The more the merrier."

Uraraka and Toga sighed. Toga showed Uraraka her room and introduced her to the members. They all welcomed her.

"Ooh, I got a really nice room here. I like it!" said Uraraka.

"I'm glad you like it, Ochako-chan! Now I will leave you alone to unpack your things and clothes. This will be a lot of fun!"

Toga was very excited. She had a feeling now that Ochako has joined League, everything will be amazing.

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