Prologue 0-4

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After a long exploration, I can say I'm impressed by this NRC building. Not only the main building but also their dorm. How big is this school to have a dorm that can channel weather? Much more than Babylus. Clara is the exciting one, always goes there and touches everything she is curious about. Maybe going to this School is not bad. If you ignore the all-boys school part.

"Raina-chi! I heard they have a whole building full of the plant! I am curious about what plant they have in there. Did you think they have like an eating carnivorous plant or maybe..." She starts to ramble.

"Then shall we go there next?" I ask her. She nodded with a star in her eyes.

"Ah! You are that girl from the entrance ceremony!" A voice comes from in front of me. I smile politely towards the male.

"You are the senpai that gets caught on fire, right?" I ask him. He beams happily and nods.

"I can't believe you still remember! Wah! You are so cute wearing that dress!" He skipping happily towards me and start to hold my hand.

"Thank you, senpai?"

"Kalim, stop pestering the new students. You going to scare her off." Another voice comes from behind him. Curious, I tilt my head a little to look at the newcomer. I gasp. How can a male have beautiful black hair completely with a sharp black eye? No offense Azz-kun.

"...Pretty." I accidentally splutter out but then my face turns red realize that I utter that out loud.

"...What?" He looks shocked and widens his eyes.

"Right?! Jamil is so pretty that even a first female student can say that! He is also very reliable!" The white hair senpai agrees with me.

I can feel Clara hugging my waist and looking at the newcomers with an unimpressed look.

"No touching!" She said swatting the white hair senpai hand away.

"Woah! Careful there! You really look like a cat..." He said laughing.

"I'm sorry senpai!" I start to apologize.

"Nah! Don't worry! My name is Kalim Al-Asim from Scarabia and this is Jamil Viper, my trusted friend, and aid!" He said while pushing the said male. Jamil-senpai just sigh and told him, he can introduce himself.

"Nice to meet you, Kalim-senpai! Jamil-senpai!" I bow to them.

"For a demon, you are very polite," Kalim-senpai said with wondering eyes.

"Eh? Is there a reason for me not to be polite?" I ask back while tilting my head.

"I mean! I thought you will be like a rude type or something like that!"

"Kalim... We didn't tell that to people after the first meeting..." Jamil-senpai said exasperatingly.

"Ops... sorry."

"Don't worry, senpai. I understand people can be judge heavily especially after our world closed for hundred of years. My name is Raina Suzuki, a first-year from Ramshackle. This is Valac Clara, also the first year from Ramshackle." I assure him.

"Oh! That right! You are royalty! I'm sorry, should I call you your highness or maybe your majesty or-"

"None of that. Just call me Raina. Or else you will get confused with my twin. We share the same name after all." I told him.

"Raina-chan then. You are like a second twin come to NRC. The first addition twin is also coming last year."

"Oh? That interesting... Maybe we can become friends later?" I ponder with myself. Kalim-senpai and Jamil-senpai look at each other with this nervous look.

"Ha... Listen, Raina...sama. You didn't want to associate yourself with that twin. Take my advice as a senior. Stay away from that twin sight as long as you can. You didn't want trouble with them." Jamil-senpai explains to me.

"Okay? But how did they look like? So that I can avoid them?"

"You can easily distinguish them from the crowd. They are very tall like VERY tall! With a mismatched eye. They are from Octavinelle." Kalim-senpai answer.

"But why?"

"Er... For your safety? They just have this kinda scary aura around them." Kalim-senpai answer confusingly.

"I listen to your warning then... Thank you Kalim-senpai! Jamil-senpai!" I said. Kalim-senpai only looks at me intently before start to squish my cheek.

"You are so cute~ Why not come with me to Scarabia? We have plenty of food there!" Kalim senpai said between my squishing my cheek. Clara already starts to pull my clothes in an attempt to make him let go.

"Kalim... We are not a kidnapper." Jamil-senpai said.

"But Jamil~ It not a kidnapping if she comes willingly, right?" Kalim-senpai start to pout.

"Ahaha... maybe next time, senpai," I said still trying to ease my numb cheek. It really hurt getting your face stretching like that.

"Raina-chi~ I'm hungry~"

"Okay. It's nice to talk to you Kalim-senpai. Jamil-senpai. But I believe we should continue our walk." I told them.

"Bye, Raina-chan~. I will invite you sooner to Scarabia, kay~" Kalim-senpai shout. I nod with a laugh.


After Raina and Clara didn't appear in their vision, Kalim starts to talk.

"She is so beautiful, right Jamil? I mean, If people said she was a model or maybe a dancer from Hot sand. I will believe them right away."

"You will always believe people easily..."

"But don't you agree, she is pretty, right? No wonder she is a princess." Kalim said. Jamil only looks towards the hall Raina disappears with an unreadable expression.

"...Pretty indeed."

'Maybe, she will be different from the rest of royalty and can be useful for later...' The thought from the certain black-haired male.

From one of the dark corridors, two pairs of glowing eyes also watch the interaction interestingly. They smile before walk away towards the darkness with an eerie laugh.


"This should be the way towards the Cafetaria..." Clara skipping happily. We exchange a few talks before a very loud crash can be heard from the Cafetaria direction.


"Eh?" I and Clara look at each other and start to run in the direction. Hoping, whatever happens, nobody gets hurt.

'Ni-san! Azz-kun! Grim!' I thought while hurriedly run down the hall.

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