🦁 The Rebel 2-6 🦁

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I fasten this chapter so you will suffer with no sleep 😄. Jk. Phew... Enjoy this hasten written chapter. I finish this in 2 days...

Hopely it's still to your liking. Don't forget to leave some comment too!!!



The whole school is full of rumors the next morning. The news about Yodhira students already spread. Some already gossiped about the likely culprit.

But the only thing they know is something bad happened to the students. Many speculated that assassins manage to get inside the school and try to attack the crown prince and crown princess.

Some even say that maybe it is just some accidents. Whatever they said, they can't prove anything because the gate to the Yodhira dorm is sealed tight. Nobody can get in or out without permission. So no information can get leaked.

Not even the prestige Octavinelle manage to find any information. Speaking of Octavinelle, let's look at the other dorm.


"You are saying that in every corner of Yodhira dorm is been sealed by shield that even you can't enter?"

"Yep. It such an annoying shield but we really can't do anything."

"Ne~ Azul. Did you feel worried about that little shrimpy?" Ask Floyd

Azul stops writing the documents and looks at Floyd. "Of course, I'm worried. We are still not able to get anything from them, right? What would you do if they decide to seal off the Netherworld again? Such a waste of possibility."

"Fufu~ As expected of Azul, still thinking to make some agreement in this situation."

"That's why keep a close eyes at Yodhira dorm before the tournament. *sigh* I'm kinda hoped that they still able to join the tournament."

Azul then looked at the special document on his desk. He takes out one of them and inside there is a display of Clara's biography, skill, and some other information.

"Among 13 students of them, there only a very little information we can find. Especially about their skill and weakness." Azul said irritatingly.

"Be patient, Azul. We still have our own trump card." Said Jade.

"... You are right and if this doesn't work then... there always a plan B."


"Jamil! Are you really can't find anything about the Yodhira accidents?!" Kalim asks Jamil. The latter can only sigh.

"Yes, Kalim. They are very determined to closed this accidents."

"Do you think the situation is very serious?! Should I call for the doctor to check them up?!"

"First. I doubt Kalego-sensei would even allow that doctor to get in and secondly, this is not a matter we can easily get involved. Don't forget about their position, Kalim."

"B-But... I'm just worried about... Raina-chan."

"*Sigh* Be patient. I'm sure they will be fine." Or at least that is what Jamil hoped for. Deep inside, he does feel worried about Raina but if that girl can even fall for such a cheap trick like that then maybe she isn't that worthy. Like the other royals that only know the finished product instead of the process.


Idia is very busy after the rumors about the Yodhira dorm accidents. Is not like he has time to check up the Camera around the Yodhira in the hope to find some culprit. Idia didn't have time to get involved with that kind of thing.

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