🌹Crimson Tyrant 1-2🌹

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In the end, most of the boys are sleeping together in the lounge on the 2nd floor. Some take in the sofa and the others just sleep on the floor. Last night somehow become like a sleepover for them.

The rest is already waking up and left Ace alone on the sofa. They need to get ready for school.


"Ugh... who pounding at the door this early?" Ace grumble still try to go back to sleep on the sofa until a splash of cold water is suddenly thrown at him.

"Geuh?! What the heck?!" Ace immediately wakes up and glares at the culprit. Asmodeus only stand there with an irritating look.

"We only have one more hour before class start. I suggest you wake up now." Asmodeus said calmly while going down to open the door.

"Tch. Can't you wake me with a more normal shake instead of throwing cold water at my face?" Ace complain. Asmodeus just glare at him a little and proceed to open the door.

"Ah! Good morning Asmodeus-san."

"...What did you want?" Asmodeus ask clearly didn't have any energy for this right now.

"I have a feeling Ace will come over here after yesterday's incident." Deuce answer.

"Ugh. Deuce..." Ace said from upstairs.

"Excuse me... I heard what happen from the other residents. You got collared after eating the dorm leader tart. You are a complete idiot." Deuce bow a little towards Asmodeus before marching up to Ace and start to give him a lecture.

"Shut up! I didn't want to hear it from you! ... By the way, was he still mad?" Ace asks.

"Not really. He looks a little irritated at the guys that late for a morning roll call but three people meet the same fate as yours." Deuce answers calmly.

"He hasn't calmed down at all! He definitely pissed!"

"While you guys continue talking I will return to aid Iruma-sama and Raina-sama." Asmodeus cut through their conversation.

"Oi! Asmodeus. Do you have a little sandwich? I'm still not eating breakfast yet." Ace asks.

"What do you think I am? Your servant?" Asmodeus said irritatingly.

"I see you already woken up, Ace? Oh, good morning to you, Deuce. " Raina voice then comes from the throne room followed by Iruma.

"Ah. Morning Suzuki-san. I'm sorry for intruding early in the morning." Deuce said.

"What with the name? Just call me Raina. Calling me Suzuki will just confuse me with my brother." Raina answer.

"Oh? We have another visitor?" Elizabeth's voice then comes.

"Can't this morning start a little quieter?" Kerori sigh. Deuce can only look shocked at the scene.

"We have another girl transfer?!" Deuce asks Ace.

"Yep. The tall one is Elizabeth while the white hair one is Kerori." Ace introduced the girls to Deuce. The boys can only mutter a small greetings back.

"Are you shy around girls?" tease Ace with a smirk.

"Shut up, Ace!" The rest of the abnormal class then emerged and introduce themselves to Deuce.

"I think we should go now. Most of us didn't have the same class." Lied said.

"Did you already know a path to go to the main building?" Deuce asks.

"Ah! Don't worry about it! We can fly towards the main building, you know!" Jazz said with a smirk.

"I-I'm sorry... Fly? With a broom?" Deuce asks. The rest look at each other and start laughing. Deuce that heard this is looking very uncomfortable.

"We are sorry if we offended you but your question is quite ridiculous. We have wings so why do we need a broom?" Jazz said.

"A wings?" This time Ace looks confused.

"Man, you really know nothing, huh?"

"Okay, enough teasing. I and Iruma will walk together with Ace, Deuce, Asmodeus, and Clara. You guys should go first." Raina said.

"Sure~ Let's meet later at lunch in the cafeteria," Elizabeth said.

"Shishi. I have a feeling we gonna have shown in the cafeteria later." Lied chuckle. By the time all of them sprout their wings, Ace and Deuce can only look a gape at the scenarios.

"The heck?! They really have wings!" Ace exclaim.

"Ahaha. Of course, they are. You act like this is the first time you see anyone with wings." Raina said.

"Well sorry if we act quite shock. Usually, people here fly using a broom but even that is quite rare." Deuce said.

"Figure." Asmodeus answer shortly.

"So... Should we go now?" Iruma ask.

-Main Street-

"Hey hey! Outta my way~ The great grim is making his way as a student of Night Raven College! Look at my collar. Unlike the lame things around your neck mine is very stylish." Grim said cockily look at Ace.

"Yes yes. It's very stylish, huh Grim? Make sure that stone is well protected, kay?" Raina remind.

"This world magic is very unconventional. Who still uses a wand to cast magic?" Asmodeus complain still look at his so-called wand in disdain.

"That wand is called a magic pen," Deuce said.

"Same feature." Retort Asmodeus.

"Man. Your world magic must be pretty advance if you didn't need a wand to cast magic." Ace said impressed but still in doubt.

"Um... take it like this. In the netherworld, survival is everything. Imagine if you need to fight a monster that suddenly appears in your way and knocked you over. Unfortunately, you didn't bring your wand, or your wand get knocked from you too. Then how can you fight back?" Raina answer.

"... I clearly didn't think about that scenario and I hope I will never be in that scenario." Ace said shiver. Clara just poke his body.

"Your body is shaking..."

"Stop doing that!"

"I suppose since it is one of the school regulations. We must cope using this... magic pen." Iruma said showing his pen with a grey with a little hint of bluestone.

"But it such a pity that Ace can't use his magic now," Grim said while flew around Ace tauntingly.

"You know, seeing you like this. I think you can make a pretty good janitor. nyahaha!" mock Grim.

"Geuh! You really! I remember this after I got my magic back!" Ace looks angry at Grim.

"Now now. The headmaster said to not cause trouble again, right?" Deuce remind.

"Bad Neko-chan!" Clara said while taking Grim to her arms and trap him there.

"Ace, have you thought about how to apologize to your dorm leader?" Raina asks and Ace just shook his head no.

"But... I just need to say I'm sorry, right? Then it should be easy." Ace said.

"We still have time and I am curious about other dorms too. So let's go observe Ace's apologies!" Grim said excitingly.

"Damn it! You just want to enjoy my misery, aren't you?!"

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