Prologue 0-7

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"LEAVE! LEAVE! LEAVE!" The monster keeps repeating the same word over and over again before start attacking Deuce.

"Geuh!" Deuce that being hit almost fall down if not because Clara that keep him steady.

"Wo! D-chan, Careful now!" Clara said with a smile.

"Stand back if you have no control over your magic, Mr. Serious. I can handle this." Ace said proudly while charging a spell towards the monster but the attack somehow gets repelled.

"I-It didn't work?!" The monster growl again and this time attacking Ace until his back collides with Asmodeus.

"You also worse at magic..." Asmodeus looks at him with this face that says 'you not so different'

"You have a problem?" Ace retort before his eyes caught a glimpse of something shining.

"What is that sparkle behind that thing?" He points it out. Raina looks in the direction.

"I think that is the magic crystal. Judge by how this monster protecting it, I think that can be the only crystal left in this mine." Raina said.

"STONES IS MINE!" This time the attack focusing on Grim. The panic Grim is not a really good combination. He immediately spout out his fire surrounding that monster but it also didn't work.

"M-My precious fire is not working on him!" Grim said panic. The Monster let out a terrifying shriek before Iruma instructed all of them to retreat.

"EVERYONE RETREAT FOR NOW!" with that word, Clara grab Deuce with Asmodeus reluctantly holding Ace and Grim in each of his hands, and fly down the tunnel followed by Iruma and Raina not too far from them.

-Dwarf Mine- Silent Wood-

"Is this far enough?" Asmodeus ask Iruma and Raina after they stop outside the cottage.

"I think so. The monster didn't seems to following us..." Iruma said while look towards the path that connected to the Mine entrance.

"Ow... Can you put me more gently? But what is that thing? Nobody tells us about this..."

"It didn't seem like any other old ghost," Deuce said.

"Of course it's not. Are you an idiot?" Asmodeus reprimanded them while Clara only giggle.

"D-chan is an idiot~" Clara taunts with a sing-a-song voice.

"I'm not an idiot!" Deuce said while looking irritating.

"Let's give up and go home. I rather get expelled than to fight that thing." Ace said cooly dusting his pant.

"What?! Don't mess with me! I rather die than get expelled! There is a magic crystal right in front of us and you want to home?!" Deuce answers Ace angrily.

Ace with a smug face retort back, "You talk big for someone worse at magic than me."

"You both suck," Clara said cutting Ace line.

"I didn't ask for your opinion. Anyway, if you want to continue then go alone. I'm done" Ace said.

"Ohh! That right? They stay right there cowering like a spineless coward!" Like a switch, Deuce's accent suddenly gets rough and he looks like someone that ready to throw a punch.

"Huh? A coward? Who are you talking to?" Ace said with this mocking face. Deuce just grabs his collar but Raina is much faster in this situation.

"Everyone that enough!" Raina said while giving a little wave of her magic to calm them down. This caught the attention of the two males that ready to brawl at any second.

"Seeing you both like this really gives us a headache. Isn't humans suppose to work together for survival?" Asmodeus said while giving them this disproving look.

"That right. So can we please stop shouting at each other like that?" Iruma said to try to calm the situation. Nothing good can be decided if they act following their impulse.


"Ehem. I'm sorry for losing my composure like that." Deuce said while trying to regain his emotion.

"Now what should we gonna do? Even magic is not that helpful..." Grim asks towards the group.

"Just like what the headmaster said. Magic isn't all-powerful. If you can't imagine it then it won't materialize. Large-scale or complicated magic requires a lot of training to use." Deuce said with this defeating look.

"But that's why we have a magic school. You have to practice a lot to use magic just as it comes to mind." Ace continues to explain things. While the rest of the demon group look very confused at their word.

"W-what with that look? Have a demon world didn't teach you anything about this?" Deuce said to them while try to not get offended by their look.

"I mean we know using magic is by using an imagination but the thing is..."

"You both make it sound like..."

"You guys just start to learn magic..."

"Just like a baby." Clara finishes the sentence while the three nod.

"W-what the? A baby you said? For this standard, our magic is already considered impressive to be able to get accepted to NRC." Ace retort back didn't want to be called a baby.

"Yet if you look at it by a demon standard you both including Grim are more like a newbie. Have you not fight with a monster or maybe joining some survival competition in the middle of the forest while you were in middle school?" Asmodeus asks confusedly.

"...I didn't know what you guys faced in demon school and I'm didn't really want to know," Grim said sweatdrop while imagining the scenario.

"We can talk more about that thing later after we secure our position. At any rate, I'm going back there. I figure out how to beat that thing and come back with the crystal." Deuce said determinedly making Raina sigh at his word.

"I never thought of you as suicidal... Charge in there without knowing your limit is like asking to die you know. I thought you still want to learn magic?"

"I'm not suicidal! I'm just... can't go back home just yet..." Deuce said while the grip in his hand is getting tighter. Iruma looks calmly at him before saying something shocking.

"Then let's go together."

"Huh?! You just go alone and don't involve me with your scheme."

"Even though you are one of the peoples that created this mess?" Raina said looking at him knowingly. Then turn her body around and start to walk to the path that leads to the mine.

"Then go on. I'm not gonna stop you let's just hope that in the future, your regret will not be overwhelmed your confidence because just like you said. Any magician that gets accepted to NRC is someone with impressive magic. I wonder what would happen to someone that gets expelled from NRC?" Raina said tauntingly knowing she already hit some nerve.

"You can't even scratch that thing with magic. What makes you think we can win?" Ace asks Raina.

"Isn't that why we work together? To figure things out?" Iruma said knowingly.

"Back in there, neither of you work together. You all just know how to attack as an individual, not as a group. People said that the weak will come together for survival but in this case, you didn't realize how amateur you are in the magic field but still act like you are the strongest. So, this time... Let's us work together, okay?" Raina said while reaching her hand towards the two.

Ace and Deuce can only look at her hand perplexed like they didn't even think of this scenario. With a loud sigh, Ace ran his hand to his hair before accepting Raina's hand.

"Okay...Okay. Just get this over.... I'm tired." Ace said.

"...I suppose there no harm to try this method," Deuce said shyly accepting Raina's hand.

"Great! Now for the crystal, we go!" Raina smile sweetly and for that moment, the two boys felt their hearts beat faster than usual.

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