Chapter 4: sharing, because i have no fucking choice but to care

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TW // homophobia (internal and external), vomiting

Katsuki Bakugo

I sat by the toilet for a while, the shower room floor cold against my bare feet. Todoroki took a brief moment to bin the pizza slice, before returning to sit with me. He handed me a piece of toilet paper, and I snatched it off him, wiping my lips clean. He helped me get up, and I pushed him away once I was steady. He didn't say a word, just followed closely behind me as I walked slowly to my bed. I gave him the "why the fuck are you still here?" eyes, and he simply said "because I don't trust you to be alone right now."

"Who gave you the power to make that decision over me?"

"Aizawa. The words he used were-"

"Fuck Aizawa. If I say leave me the fuck alone, leave me the fuck alone!"

"And if I say no and sit back down on the couch, you say nothing. Got it?"

"Fuck you!"

"I'll be here if you need me. You should sleep."

"Like I'm gonna sleep with some filthy pervert in my room with me!"

"Goodnight, Bakugo"

"Fucking listen to me dipshit!"


GOD I hate that motherfucker! His patronising care over me was already getting too much for me to bear, I wanted him out.

But he wouldn't listen, and it was getting late. I found myself dropping off into sleep, my eyes fluttering before I slipped away completely.

-ept quiet, and Father left shortly after, satisfied. I silently cried for the rest of the night, blood drying on my pillow and face.

A boy asked me at school what had happened. I told him I'd tripped.

When I got home that day, Father was waiting with the belt again. There was no reason for it, he just enjoyed it. I closed my eyes as the belt crashed onto my face again, bracing for the yelling impact.

I shot awake, for the second night in a row, and rubbed at my eyes in disbelief. That dream...the very same memory of Father hitting me with his belt. It was hard for me to escape flashbacks like that, especially in my sleep

"Bakugo? You ok?" I heard a voice ask, and Todoroki emerged from my shower room. His hair was dry in the dimly lit room, so I figured he'd just used the toilet, but now he approached the bed, sitting gently on the side of it with a curious face. He turned on the light and I went "fucking hell!" as the light shone brightly in my tired eyes.

"The fuck you still doing here anyway?"

"My question first. Are you ok?"

"M'fine, just a shitty dream, that's all."

"Happen often?"

"The fuck do you care?"

"Part of my job. So...?"

".....yeah, more and more recently. Same dream, usually. Don't ask, I'm not gonna tell you."

"Fair enough...I'm still here because I was worried something like that might happen."

"The fuck? How many shitty notes did you make about me?"

"Enough. Anyway, I was right, so it proves another thing I thought..."

"Which is...?"

"That you lied to Aizawa about how things are at home for you. I won't ask, but you can tell me in your own time, confidentially or not."

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